The power of the Raub Declaration has achieved its first result: the withdrawal of the Bandaraya requirement that Bahasa Malaysia on signboards and advertisements must be at least double the size of Chinese and other letterings.

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary – General and MP for Kota Melaka, Lim Kit Siang, at the Sungei Besi DAP Branch Anniversary Dinner held at Mak Yee Restaurant, Wisma Shaw, Kuala Lumpur on Saturday, 2nd July 1983 at 8 p.m.

The power of the Raub Declaration has achieved its first result: the withdrawal of the Bandaraya requirement that Bahasa Malaysia on signboards and advertisements must be at least double the size of Chinese and other letterings.

After the MCA’s April 1982 General Elections ‘breakthrough’ and ‘great victory’, Malaysian Chinese found that their constitutional rights and interests came under sustained attack on a whole variety of directions. The MCA, despite its great and unprecedented general elections victory at the expense of the DAP, was not only unable to regain the rights lost from 1957 to 1982, instead since April 1982, even more rights and interests of the Malaysian Chinese faced erosion. Continue reading The power of the Raub Declaration has achieved its first result: the withdrawal of the Bandaraya requirement that Bahasa Malaysia on signboards and advertisements must be at least double the size of Chinese and other letterings.