Role of State Sub-Committees
I attach a copy of a circular to all DAP MPs/SAs.
I am very concerned about the standard of constituency service of our MPs/SAs, I am equally concerned about the lack of supervision and direction on this very important matter by the State Sub-Committees.
The State Sub-Committee is the highest party organ in the state, and one of its important tasks should be to see to the faithful performance of constituency services by our MPs/SAs in the state. Unfortunately, this aspect of the duties of the State Sub-Committee has been gravely neglected.
All State Sub-Committee should urgently give this matter priority attention.
In this connection, I wish to point out that as the highest party organ in the State, the State Sub-Committee should plan and direct the growth, development, consolidation and expansion of the Party in the State. There is a unhealthy tendency for Sub-Committees of each State to be no more than a committee to exchange views and news.
All State Sub-Committee should bring their mind to bear on the problem and tasks of State development and expansion of the Party, and to draw up a blueprint fro them, and even more important, to be responsible for their execution.