Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjong, Lim Kit Siang, at the prize-giving ceremony for the DAP essay competition to commemorate his 25th anniversary as an elected Member of Parliament at the Cha Clan Association Hall, Kuala Lumpur on Wednesday, 8th September 1994 at 11 a.m.
DAP’s objective in the nest general election to transform the ‘Little Liberalisation’ of the last three years into ‘Big Liberalisation’ is the third phase of the 28-year DAP political struggle for a Malaysian Malaysia.
The DAP’s objective in the nest general election to transform the ‘Little Liberalisation’ of the last three years into ‘Big Liberalisation’ is the third phase of the 28-year DAP political struggle for a Malaysian Malaysia. Continue reading DAP’s objective in the nest general election to transform the ‘Little Liberalisation’ of the last three years into ‘Big Liberalisation’ is the third phase of the 28-year DAP political struggle for a Malaysian Malaysia