DAP calls for a National Front of Opposition Parties

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr Lim Kit Siang, at the sixth anniversary dinner of Malacca DAP held at Men Seng Charitable Association on Saturday 30th December 1972 at 8p.m.

DAP calls for a National Front of Opposition Parties

The year 1972 marks the end of three opposition parties in West Malaysia, namely Party Gerakan, the People’s Progressive Party and Parti Islam, and their absorption by the Alliance under the banner of National Front of Coalition Parties.

Over the last three years, the Alliance coalition rule has shown that there has been no fundamental changes in the policies and programmes of the government. Continue reading DAP calls for a National Front of Opposition Parties

DAP welcomes re-consideration by the Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, on the question of the recognition of Nantah, Formosan degrees and qualifications

DAP Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr Lim Kit Siang, today issued the following statement:

DAP welcomes re-consideration by the Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, on the question of the recognition of Nantah, Formosan degrees and qualifications.

The nation-wide reaction to the announcement by the Minister of Education, Datuk Hussein Onn, three days ago that the government has decided to continue to discriminate against the Nantah and Formosan degrees and qualifications is one of dismay and condemnation. Continue reading DAP welcomes re-consideration by the Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak, on the question of the recognition of Nantah, Formosan degrees and qualifications

UMNO-PAS Coalition and the recognition of Nantah and Formosan degrees

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr Lim Kit Siang, to party members in Muar on 23rd December 1972 at 8 p.m.

UMNO-PAS Coalition and the recognition of Nantah and Formosan degrees

When UMNO and PAS leaders discussed, negotiated and decided on a coalition government at the national and state levels, neither the MCA nor the MIC leaders were consulted or asked for their views.

When the UMNO-PAS Coalition was announced, the MCA and MIC leaders not only dutifully agreed to what has been decided by UMNO leaders, but publicity announced their support. It was obvious to all that they would have no other choice. Continue reading UMNO-PAS Coalition and the recognition of Nantah and Formosan degrees

Lim Kit Siang calls MCA Ministers, Assistant Ministers and Members of Parliament to resign for their failure to secure government recognition for Nantah and Formosan degrees and qualifications.

Lim Kit Siang calls MCA Ministers, Assistant Ministers and Members of Parliament to resign for their failure to secure government recognition for Nantah and Formosan degrees and qualifications.

I, like the majority of thinking Malaysians, was shocked and dismayed to hear of the announcement by the Minister of Education, Datuk Hussein Onn, that the Alliance Government has refused to adcord recognition to Nantah and Formosan degrees and qualifications.

The country was led to believe in recent months that at last, after over a decade of injustice and discrimination, Malaysians who are graduates of Nanyang University and Formosan colleges and universities would be given their rightful place in the development and progress of Malaysia. Continue reading Lim Kit Siang calls MCA Ministers, Assistant Ministers and Members of Parliament to resign for their failure to secure government recognition for Nantah and Formosan degrees and qualifications.

Call on Finance Minister, Tun Tan Siew Sin, to lift the ban on the import of chicken droppings or fowl dungs to avoid an agriculture crisis in Johore.

DAP Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr Lim Kit Siang, today issued the following statement:

Call on Finance Minister, Tun Tan Siew Sin, to lift the ban on the import of chicken droppings or fowl dungs to avoid an agriculture crisis in Johore.

I have received representations from Chinese and Malay vegetable farmers in Johore about the agriculture crisis they are facing as a result of the ban by the Finance Ministry on the import of ‘chicken droppings’ or ‘fowl dungs’ into West Malaysia from the beginning of this month. Continue reading Call on Finance Minister, Tun Tan Siew Sin, to lift the ban on the import of chicken droppings or fowl dungs to avoid an agriculture crisis in Johore.

Call on the Government to set up a special government department to give new economic opportunities to the over 100,000 retrenched estate labourers in Malaysia

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr Lim Kit Siang, when declaring open the Tamil drama ‘Born To Live’ organised by the Ipoh Arts Society in aid of the education of children of retrenched estate labourers held at Ipoh Town Hall on Saturday 9th Dec. 1972 at 8.30 p.m.

Call on the Government to set up a special government department to give new economic opportunities to the over 100,000 retrenched estate labourers in Malaysia

Firstly, I want to thank the Ipoh Arts Society for the kind invitation to me to come and say a few words at the opening of this evening’s Tamil drama in aid of the educational needs of children of retrenched estate labourers. Continue reading Call on the Government to set up a special government department to give new economic opportunities to the over 100,000 retrenched estate labourers in Malaysia

Lack of independence and impartially of the Elections Commission in conducting the 1972 registration of voters’ exercise

Speech by DAP Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka,Mr.Lim Kit Siang , in the Dewan Rakyat on the Supplementary Supply Bill for 1972 on Tuesday , 5th December 1972

Lack of independence and impartially of the Elections Commission in conducting the 1972 registration of voters’ exercise
I rise to refer to the $911,124 which is sought for the Election Commission to cover its expenses for this year. Out of this sum, the bulk of it, viz. $863,824, was to cover the cost of registration of electors and the revision of electoral rolls in Malaysia. Continue reading Lack of independence and impartially of the Elections Commission in conducting the 1972 registration of voters’ exercise

MCA’s Mental Revolution and the May the Fourth Movement

Message by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, for the anniversary tea party of the Circular Road DAP Branch on Saturday, 2nd Dec. at 6 p.m.

MCA’s Mental Revolution and the May the Fourth Movement

The MCA has again called for Chinese unity under the MCA as a response to the coming together of the Malays in UMNO and Partai Islam.

They said that to do this there must be a mental revolution among the Chinese. Continue reading MCA’s Mental Revolution and the May the Fourth Movement

DAP Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, will ask the following questions when Parliament meets on Monday

DAP Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, will ask the following questions when Parliament meets on Monday.

1. To ask the Prime Minister to report whether there had been any progress in the last three months towards the normalization of relationship between Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China; and whether the Malaysian Government is considering calling an ASEAN meeting to propose an ASEAN initiative to normalise relationship between the People’s Republic of China and the ASEAN nations in view of Premier Tanaka of Japan’s visit to Peking which has further opened up new possibilities in international relations in the world, and particularly in South East Asia. Continue reading DAP Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, will ask the following questions when Parliament meets on Monday

MCA’s ‘One Step Forward, Two Step Backward’ and ‘Two steps Backward, One Step Forward’ Strategy

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at the DAP Selangor Solidarity Dinner at Mak Yee Restaurant, Jalan Pasar Baru, Pudu on Thursday, 30th November 1972 at 9 p.m.

MCA’s ‘One Step Forward, Two Step Backward’ and ‘Two steps Backward, One Step Forward’ Strategy

MCA leaders are using the impending coalition between UMNO and Partai Islam as a new argument for their call for a ‘mental revolution’ among the Chinese and for Chinese Unity. Continue reading MCA’s ‘One Step Forward, Two Step Backward’ and ‘Two steps Backward, One Step Forward’ Strategy