By Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjong, Lim Kit Siang, in Petaling Jaya on Monday, 15th August 1994:
DAP declares that it does not oppose and will not sabotage MCA efforts to raise funds for Chinese Independent Secondary Schools but want MCA to account for every sen of its donations and hand all donations to Chinese Independent Secondary Schools
The MCA has no right to conduct the MCA jempol-style of donation drive, where the MCA handed less than 25 per cent of the donations it collected to the Chinese Independent Secondary Schools, while retaining for its own use more than 75 per cent of the donations which were collected in the name of Chinese Independent Secondary Schools. Continue reading DAP declares that it does not oppose and will not sabotage MCA efforts to raise funds for Chinese Independent Secondary Schools but want MCA to account for every sen of its donations and hand all donations to Chinese Independent Secondary Schools