Press Statement to Bernama on FAMA Fish Marketing Board Scheme

Press Statement to Bernama (31.10.68)

The DAP Organising Secretary, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, today urged the FAMA Chairman, Senatar Ghaffar bin Baba, to explain clearly to the public how the proposed FAMA Fish Marketing Board scheme would benefit the fishmongers, the fishermen and the consumers.

Mr. Lim said that unless the FAMA could do this, it should withdraw the fish marketing board scheme even without an inquiry. He warned that it would be very costly to experiment with an item like fish, which perishes easily.

Mr. Lim added: “As the proposed FAMA scheme stands, its implementation will disrupt the fish trade, and cause untold hardships to the wholesales, retailers and the fishmongers, and raise the price of fish for the consumers.

“The FAMA must explain clearly the benefit of the scheme to the fish industry and the public or its silence must be regarded as inability to produce reasons.

“The extension of the one-month period for the closing of objections to the scheme which was announced by Senator Baba yesterday is inadequate. There are many interested persons in the country who still have not got the objection forms, or ample opportunity to study the proposed scheme. This is why we had asked for a two-month extension.”

The DAP Deputy Secretary-General, Daing Ibrahim bin Othman, has urged the government to suspend the implementation of the new regulation lowering the retiring age of civil servants from 60 to 55.

He said the bringing into force of the regulation tomorrow will create havoc to the life of 170,000 officers who will be affected.

Daing Ibrahim said these officers had served the government faithfully, and had looked forward to another five years of active service. They had also planned their next five years in this anticipation, committing themselves to housing loans, children’s education, and other involvements.

To retire them now, or even after six months’ grace, will be cause great hardship.

Daing Ibrahim suggested that the regulation should come into force only five years from now, so that no government officer will suffer any loss through no fault of his own.

Audited on 2021-03-05