DAP calls for a 20-fold increase in the development expenditures for the 460 new villages under the Third Malaysia Plan

Speech by DAP Sectary-General and Ketua Pembangkang, Lim Kit Siang, at the Ampang DAP Branch, Kuala Lumpur, on Sunday, 22nd August 1976 at 7.30 p.m.

DAP calls for a 20-fold increase in the development expenditures for the 460 new villages under the Third Malaysia Plan to (i) make up for the neglect of development needs of new villages for one generation and (ii) to bring the new villages fully into the mainstream of national development

The Third Malaysia Plan 1976-1980 provides for only $19 million for development of the 460 new villages for the next five years.

This is a paltry sum as it works out to the ridiculous figure of $10000 per new village per year. Continue reading DAP calls for a 20-fold increase in the development expenditures for the 460 new villages under the Third Malaysia Plan

The $166 million “SPICA M” RMN fast strike craft scandal

Speech by ketua Pembangkang and DAP Sectary-General ,Lim Kit Siang, at the Selangor Guild of Graduates, University of Malaya, lunch on at Horizon Restaurant Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday, 21st August 1976 on “Malaysia – Democracy and Nation Building”

The $166 million “SPICA M” RMN fast strike craft scandal

Malaysia is entering her twentieth year of nationhood. This means that the first generation of Malaysians have grown up since Merdeka. The entire school and university-going population are the complete products of the national education policies of the government.

Nation building, by which I mean the creation by government of a cohesive political community characterised by an abiding sense of identity and common consciousness, is not a task which comes within the life seam of any one generation of political leaders. Continue reading The $166 million “SPICA M” RMN fast strike craft scandal

The Malaysian Dilemma

Speech by Ketua Pembangkang and DAP Secretary-General, Lim Kit Siang, at a forum on “The Role of Malaysian Chinese can play under the Third Malaysia Plan” organised by the Persatuan Mahasiswa Taiwan Normal Universiti, Selangor, at Hotel Equatorial, Kuala Lumpur, on Thursday, 12th August 1976 at 7.30 p.m.

The Malaysian Dilemma

Probably without consciously realising or intending it, the topic of your forum reflects accurately the dilemma of Malaysian Chinese, and in fact, of all non-Malay in Malaysia.

The topic in fact asks two questions which Malaysian Chinese and non-Malays have been asking themselves: Continue reading The Malaysian Dilemma

Review of the award of a $200,000,000 contract for the purchase of FOUR FAST STRIKE MISSILE CRAFT

Opposition Leader writes to Prime Minister and Defence Minister, Datuk Hussein Onn asking for a review of the $200000000 award for the purchase of four FAST STRIKE MISSILE CRAFT for the Royal Malaysian Navy to ensure that only proven and suitable vessels are ordered

I have to-day written to the Prime Minister and Defence Minister, Datuk Hussein Onn, asking for a review of the award of a $200,000,000 contract for the purchase of FOUR FAST STRIKE MISSILE CRAFT. My letter reads:

“YAB Perdana Menteri dan Menteri Pertahanan, Continue reading Review of the award of a $200,000,000 contract for the purchase of FOUR FAST STRIKE MISSILE CRAFT

Ketua Pembangkang calls on Labour Minister, Datuk lee San Choon, to intervene to solve the 10-day Len Omnibus strike and to restore bus services

Statement by Ketua Pembangkang and DAP Member of Parliament, Lim Kit Siang, at a Press Conference at DAP Kuala Lumpur Office, 63-D Jalan Sultan Kuala Lumpur, on Monday, 9th August 1976 at 12 p.m.

Ketua Pembangkang calls on Labour Minister, Datuk lee San Choon, to intervene to solve the 10-day Len Omnibus strike and to restore bus services

The strike by about 400 workers of Len Omnibus Company Bhd. Has entered into its 10th day. However, the Ministry of Labour does not seem to have taken a serious view of this dispute, to solve it and to restore bus services for tens of thousands of commuters from Kuala Lumpur to Tanjong Malim covering are Rawang, Batang Kali, Ulu Yam, Kuala Kubu Baru, Kerling, Rasa, Tanjung Karang, Batang Berjuntai, Kuala Selangor, and surrounding estate and tin mines. Continue reading Ketua Pembangkang calls on Labour Minister, Datuk lee San Choon, to intervene to solve the 10-day Len Omnibus strike and to restore bus services

DAP calls on the Ministry of Education to draw up a master plan under the Third Malaysia Plan

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Ketua Pembangkang, Lim Kit Siang, at the 10th Anniversary Dinner organized by the Kuala Lumpur DAP Branch in Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, 8th August 1976 at 8 p.m.

DAP calls on the Ministry of Education to draw up a master plan under the Third Malaysia Plan to improve the facilities, build new classes and schools and to raise the standard of education in Chinese and Ta mil primary schools through increased allocations

In recent years, there has been a sharp increase in the enrolment of pupils especially for Chinese primary schools. This marked increase of enrolment in Chinese primary schools, however, has not been accompanied by a corresponding increase in financial allocations for Chinese primary schools to ensure that they have adequate facilities, school places and sufficient number of trained teachers to maintain a high standard of education. Continue reading DAP calls on the Ministry of Education to draw up a master plan under the Third Malaysia Plan