DAP deplores US cruise missile attack against Iraq

by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, in Petaling Jaya on Monday, 28th June, 1993:

DAP deplores US cruise missile attack against Iraq

DAP deplores the US cruise missile attack against Iraq yesterday allegedly in retaliation for an alleged plot by Iraq to assassinate former President George Bush.

The American action is not a good example of the new international order where the strong and mighty can take the law into its own hands without submitting to the judgment of international court of opinion.

American President said that Saddam Hussein’s “attempt at revenge by a tyrant against the leader of the world coalition that defeated him in a war is particularly loathsome and cowardly”. His action however would have greater acceptability and legitimacy if the punishment of Saddam Hussein had come from the ‘world coalition’ especially the United Nations, and not the unilateral action of a single member of ‘the world coalition’ – however dominant the role it had played in the Gulf War.