Is ACA Director-General, Tan Sri Zulkifli Mahmood, prepared to meet DAP MPs to justify the clearing of Samy Vellu in the MAIKA Telekom shares hijacking scandal?

By Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, in Penang on Sunday, August 29, 1993:

Is ACA Director-General, Tan Sri Zulkifli Mahmood, prepared to meet DAP MPs to justify the clearing of Samy Vellu in the MAIKA Telekom shares hijacking scandal?

The short six-paragraph statement of Anti-Corruption Agency Director-General, Tan Sri Zulkifli Mahmood on the outcome of its 17-months “thorough” investigations into the RM150 million MAIKA Telekom shares hijacking scandal is one of the greatest cover-ups of financial scandals in Malaysian history.

Zulkifli should realize that in a democratic country, he must satisfy the principle of accountability by convinving the people and nation that the ACA had not been involved in a ‘cover-up’ but could justify its conclusion that “no criminal offence has been disclosed” in the scandal.

Is Zulkifli prepared to meet DAP MPs to justify the clearing of the MIC President and Minister for Energy, Telecommunications and Posts, Datuk Seri S.Samy Vellu in the MAIKA Telekom shares hijacking scandal?

If Zulkifli is sure of the strength of the ACA case in reaching the conclusion that “ no criminal offence has been disclosed”, it must not only be able to stand up to the scrutiny of public opinion but he should be prepared to meet DAP MPs on the case.

If Zulkifli is prepared to meet DAP MPs on the outcome of the ACA investigations into the MAIKA Telekom shares hijacking scandal, DAP MPs will be ever ready to meet the ACA Director-General.

In this meeting, Zulkifli can explain why after reaching conclusions which meant that SAmy Vellu had been telling lies in his ‘Tell-All Press Conference’ on May 15 last year when he claimed that “every single sen” of all the proceeds from the sale of 8.92 million Telekom shares by the three proxy companies, Advance Personal Computers Sdn. Bhd., S.B. Management Sdn. Bhd. And Clearway Sdn. Bhd., had been channeled to TAFE College, the ACA could still clear Samy Vellu in the MAIKA Telekom shares hijacking scandal.

Tan Sri Zulkifli must also explain why the ACA has chosen to reject the statement made by the Finance Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, the Deputy Finance Minister’s Datuk Ghani Othman and the Parliament Secretary in the Prime Minister’s Department, Othman Abdul in Parliament that the 10million Telekom shares were allotted to MAIKA, and instead accepted Samy Vellu’s explanation that the 10 millioin shares were allotted by the Government to the MIC.