Malaysia should take the international initiative to get support from other countries to requisition an emergency session of the United Nations General Assembly to direct the UN Secretary-General to launch air strikes to silence Serbian guns and to end the arms embargo against Bosnia

By Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjong, Lim Kit Siang, in Petaling Jaya on Monday, January 17th, 1994:

Malaysia should take the international initiative to get support from other countries to requisition an emergency session of the United Nations General Assembly to direct the UN Secretary-General to launch air strikes to silence Serbian guns and to end the arms embargo against Bosnia

The Geneva peace talks on bosnia among its Serb, Muslim and Croat faction due to resume next week is doomed to failure with the intransigence demonstrated by the Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic , who openly defied and rejected the United Nations and Nato demands or the lifting of the Serb siege of Sarejevo and to open the airport in the northeast Bosnian city of Tuzla.

Karadzic had even declared that Sarajevo would be the capital of a new Bosnian Serb State.

What ts the purpose of holding the Geneva peace talks on Bosnia next week when international morality and the mandate and legitimacy of the United Nations could be trampled upon by the Bosnian Serbs with impunity?

The credibility of the United Nations would be irreparably damaged it the world body continues to be impotent in implementing its resolutions to end the ethnic cleasing , genocide and atrocities in Bosnia. The UN security Council had proclaimed Sarajevo and six other mainly Muslim enclaves in Bosnia as ‘safe areas’ to be protected from strangulation by Bosnian Serb Forces. When such UN security council resolutions could be openly defied , the relevance of the security council itself comes under great question.

The United nations security council and the UM secretary –Genaral , boutrous Boutros – ghali , had failed the international community in their inability to end or alleviate the 21-month , Bosnian agony . Last month , less than 18 percent of threlief supplies had been able to reach the 1.2 million people in central Bosnia, who are wholly dependent on outside aid to survive the winter. This is a great blot on the human conscience in the history of mankid.

The international community must bestir itself and let the United Nations Security council and the UN secretary –general know in no uncertain terms that their fecklessness and impotence in Bosnia deserve universal condemnation.

Malaysia should take the international initiative to get the support of other countries to requisition an emergency session of the United Nations General Assembly on the Bosnian Holocaust and direct the United Nations Secretary , Boutros , Boutrous Ghali to implement UN security council resolutions and launch air strikes to silence the serb guns in Bosnia, open up Sarajevo and the six other ‘safe areas’ in Bosnia , and end the arms embargo in Bosnia – which has punished only victims , not aggressors.

Boutrous boutrous – Ghali should be given a deadline to carry out the resolutions of the emergency session of the United Nations General Asssembly on the Bosnian Holocaust,and he should be made to understand that if he again fails the international community , the UN secretary – general would face a motion of no confidenc in the UN General Assembly.

This Saturday , Kaula Lumpur will be hosting a tteo-day International conference of Parliamentary on Bosnia Herzegovina , which would be declared open by he Prime Minister , Datuk Seri , Dr. Mahathir Mahomed.

The International conference of Parliementarians on Bosnia – Herzegovina in Kuala Lumpur would be an ideal platform for the launching of the international initiative to requisition an emergency United Nations General Assembly session to direct the UN Secretary – General to implement UN resolution to silence the Serbian artillery in Bosnia and to end the one-sided arms embargo against the Bosnian Muslim.