DAP calls for abolition of annual licensing of press law to allow the growth of the free, independent and responsible press in Malaysia

Speech (Part 3) by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjong, Lim Kit Siang, in Parliament on the Royal Address on Wednesday, 13th April 1994

DAP calls for abolition of annual licensing of press law to allow the growth of the free, independent and responsible press in Malaysia

His Majesty in his Royal Address said the Government would always ensure freedom of speech and that the mass media should have a positive role in inculcating social harmony and unity. Continue reading DAP calls for abolition of annual licensing of press law to allow the growth of the free, independent and responsible press in Malaysia

Challenge to Mahathir to sue Lodon Sunday Times for defamation for its Wimpey story, so that the entire truth about the Wimpey allegation could be revealed

Speech (Part 2) by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjong, Lim Kit Siang, in Parliament on the Royal Address motion on Tuesday, 11th April 1994

Challenge to Mahathir to sue Lodon Sunday Times for defamation for its Wimpey story, so that the entire truth about the Wimpey allegation could be revealed

I am very disappointed that the Government has not presented a White Paper to Parliament to give a detailed rebuttal to all the allegations in the British mass media in the past few months about corruption, abuses of power and improprieties of Malaysian leaders. Continue reading Challenge to Mahathir to sue Lodon Sunday Times for defamation for its Wimpey story, so that the entire truth about the Wimpey allegation could be revealed

The colossal forex losses in the last two years have knocked out a big hole’ in Bank Negara, not only making it insolvent but destroying it credibility and authority as the ‘banker’ and guardian of banks in Malaysia

Speech (Part 1) by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjong, Lim Kit Siang, in the Dewan Rakyat on the Royal Address debate on Monday, April 11, 1994

The colossal forex losses in the last two years have knocked out a big hole in Bank Negara, not only making it insolvent but destroying it credibility and authority as the ‘banker’ and guardian of banks in Malaysia.

Parliament is debating Bank Negara’s colossal foreign exchange losses for the second consecutive year and it is apt that we start with the story told by Tan Sri Jaffar Hussein at a lecture in New Delhi in December 1988 on the topic, “Central Banking in an Era of Change”, which was also used as the book title for Bank Negara’s “landmark speeches from 1959-1988”. Continue reading The colossal forex losses in the last two years have knocked out a big hole’ in Bank Negara, not only making it insolvent but destroying it credibility and authority as the ‘banker’ and guardian of banks in Malaysia

Letter – Motion of urgent public importance under standing Order 18(1) with regard to RM5.7 billion Bank Negara foreign exchange losses for 1993

Tuan Yang di-Pertua, 10thApril 1994
Dewan Rakyat,

YB Tan Sri,

Motion of urgent public importance under standing Order 18(1) with regard to RM5.7 billion Bank Negara foreign exchange losses for 1993.

This is to give notice under Standing Order 18(2) that I wish to move the following motion to adjourn the House to discuss matter of urgent, definite public importance, viz. the RM 5.7 billion Bank Negara foreign exchange losses for last year.

“That under Standing Order 18(1), the House gives leave to the Ketua Pembangkang, YB Lim Kit Siang, to adjourn the House to discuss a matter of urgent, definite public importance, namely the RM5.7 billion Bank Negara foreign exchange losses for last year, because:

“Firstly, Parliament would be failing in its duty if it does not take a very serious view of the massive RM5.7 billion foreign exchange losses in 1993, after Bank Negara had suffered from RM10.1 billion to RM14 billion foreign exchange losses in 1992;

“Secondly, the urgent need to ascertain the full extent of Bank Negara’s forex losses for 1993, which could exceed RM10 billion- bringing the total Bank Negara forex losses in 1992 and 1993 to between RM20 billion to Rm25 billion- as the Bank Negara’s balance sheet for 1993 had been as misleading and unconventional as for the year 1992;

“Thirdly, the Finance Minister owes Parliament and the country a full explanation why Bank Negara had again incurred such massive foreign exchange losses as he had given an assurance to Parliament last year that he would personally be evaluating its foreign exchange dealings;

“Fourthly, the Finance Minister should also explain why he had misled Parliament last July when he denied that Bank Negara was still incurring further massive forex losses from its forex tradings, when in fact Bank Negara had already piled up even greater forex losses than provided for in its 1992 report;
“Fifthly, to uphold the principle of public accountability and transparency to ascertain how Bank Negara could incur such massive forex losses since 1992 by demanding for full details as to how such losses could be incurred;

“Sixthly, to ascertain whether there are other Bank Negara forex losses apart from the RM5.7 billion admitted in the 1993 Bank Negara report;

“Seventhly, to ascertain the lessons to be drawn from the massive Bank Negara forex losses since 1992.”

Yours sincerely,
(Lim Kit Siang)
Ketua Pembangkang

Warning that the DAP will not have any safe seat and that parliamentary constituencies which the DAP had won with massive majorities of 22, 000 votes or more could be lost on the next general elections

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, Dap Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, at the DAP National Leadership Conference on “Themes and Challenges of the next General Elections” held at Hotel Furama, Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, April 10, 1994 at 10 a.m.

Warning that the DAP will not have any safe seat and that parliamentary constituencies which the DAP had won with massive majorities of 22, 000 votes or more could be lost on the next general elections.

Although party leaders have warned that the next general elections wll the most difficult and challenging one in party history, and that the DAP can do very badly, this message has not been fully accepted in the party, and there are those who do not believe that the next general elections could be so bad for the DAP. Or they believe that the DAP could fare badly in other states but not in their areas. Continue reading Warning that the DAP will not have any safe seat and that parliamentary constituencies which the DAP had won with massive majorities of 22, 000 votes or more could be lost on the next general elections

Anwar should explain how Bank Negara could lose RM5.7 billion last year if he had directed Bank Negara to stop trading in the forward foreign exchange market in 1992

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Party Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, at the DAP Bagan ‘Tanjong 3’ dinner held in Butterworth on Friday, April 8, 1994 at 8 P.M.

Anwar should explain how Bank Negara could lose RM5.7 billion last year if he had directed Bank Negara to stop trading in the forward foreign exchange market in 1992

Finance Minister, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, has said that he had directed Bank Negara to stop trading in the forward foreign exchange market in 1992 after learning about the colossal forex losses eighteen months ago. Continue reading Anwar should explain how Bank Negara could lose RM5.7 billion last year if he had directed Bank Negara to stop trading in the forward foreign exchange market in 1992

Judges should be subject to public accountability through public criticism and fair comment where there had been lapses in the administration of justice

By Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, in Penang on Friday, April 8, 1994:

Judges should be subject to public accountability through public criticism and fair comment where there had been lapses in the administration of justice

The Statement by the Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, yesterday that total independence in the judiciary can lead to abuse of power and dereliction of duty should be the subject of a serious national debate on the present role of the judiciary in Malaysia. Continue reading Judges should be subject to public accountability through public criticism and fair comment where there had been lapses in the administration of justice

DAP has taken a policy decision to co-operate with PBS in Sabah in the forthcoming parliamentary general elections

Press conference Statement by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjong, Lim Kit Siang in Kota Kinabalu on Wednesday, 6th April 1994 at 11 am

DAP has taken a policy decision to co-operate with PBS in Sabah in the forthcoming parliamentary general elections

DAP has taken a policy decision to co-operate with PBS in Sabah in the forthcoming parliamentary general elections. Continue reading DAP has taken a policy decision to co-operate with PBS in Sabah in the forthcoming parliamentary general elections

Who caused the down fall of the PBS Government and Joseph Pairin in March 1994?

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjong, Lim Kit Siang, when inaugurating the Penampang DAP Branch protem committee on Wednesday, 6th April 1994 at 8p.m.

Who caused the down fall of the PBS Government and Joseph Pairin in March 1994?

Dr. Jefferey Kitingan raised a most interesting and important issue when he said yesterday that he was not the cause of the PBS downfall, and that the fate of the PBS was sealed when it decided to withdraw from the Barisan Nasional on the eve of the 1990 general election. Continue reading Who caused the down fall of the PBS Government and Joseph Pairin in March 1994?

Why is Bakun HEP costing 12 times the RM1.3 billion Pergau HEP Dam when it is only four times its capacity?

Press Conference Statement by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, in Kuching on Monday, 4th April at 1.30 p.m.

Why is Bakun HEP costing 12 times the RM1.3 billion Pergau HEP Dam when it is only four times its capacity?

The revived Bakun HEP dam project has bought back to life the environment issues which had been raised when it was first mooted in the 1980s. Continue reading Why is Bakun HEP costing 12 times the RM1.3 billion Pergau HEP Dam when it is only four times its capacity?