MCA’S Mental Revolution – A Few Initial Questions

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a DAP Public Rally at Bukit Pelandok in Linggi State Constituency, Negeri Sembilan on Friday, 27th Oct. 1972 at 8 p.m.

MCA’S Mental Revolution – A Few Initial Questions

In the past weeks, the Chinese Press has been full of pages after pages of speeches and statements by the MCA leaders about the need for a mental revolution among the Chinese in Malaysia. Continue reading MCA’S Mental Revolution – A Few Initial Questions

Call on Government to democratise and liberalise its mass media policy to allow press freedom and fair television and radio service

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at the Perak DAP State Dinner to commemorate the second anniversary of the release of Lim Kit Siang from detention held at St. John’s Ambulance Hall in Ipoh on Sunday, 8th Oct. 1972 at 8 p.m.

Call on Government to democratise and liberalise its mass media policy to allow press freedom and fair television and radio service

For the past month for almost every night, Television Malaysia telecasts the same programmes of Bahasa Malaysia news and Peristiwa (television news-magazine) over both channels at the same time. Continue reading Call on Government to democratise and liberalise its mass media policy to allow press freedom and fair television and radio service

DAP calls for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the nation’s labour laws to remove anti-labour clauses and to safeguard and protect the right of workers to a just share of the fruits of their own labour

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when speaking to the Malacca DAP State Sub-Committee Meeting in Malacca on Tuesday, 3rd October 1972 at 5 p.m

DAP calls for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the nation’s labour laws to remove anti-labour clauses and to safeguard and protect the right of workers to a just share of the fruits of their own labour

The workers are the most neglected lot under the Second Malaysia Plan. There has been increasing labour unrest since the launching of the Second Malaysia Plan, and in the last few months, industrial disputes have come thick and fast. Continue reading DAP calls for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the nation’s labour laws to remove anti-labour clauses and to safeguard and protect the right of workers to a just share of the fruits of their own labour

Charter for New Village Revolution in Malaysia

Speech by DAP secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when speaking at the First Anniversary tea-party of the DAP National New Village Sub-Committee held at Serdang Bahru DAP Branch on Sunday, 1st Oct. 1972 at 8.p.m. The tea party also marks the close of the DAP National New Village Week from Sept. 24 to Oct.1.

Charter for New Village Revolution in Malaysia

The appointment of Dr. Lim Keng Yaik for the last 10 months as Minister in charge of new villages has not benefitted the 900,000 new villagers a single bit, whether in terms of upliftment of their standard of living, or land, jobs or homes. Continue reading Charter for New Village Revolution in Malaysia

DAP call on the Cabinet and all State Government to accept the following two principles for the solution

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang,
when speaking at the DAP Public Rally at Kulai, Johors to commemorate the National New Village week
Oct. 24 – Nov. 1. The Kulai public rally was held at Kulai town on Friday, 29th Sept. 1972 from 7 – 11 p.m.

DAP call on the Cabinet and all State Government to accept the following two principles for the solution
of the acute and long-standing land problem of 900,000 new villagers in Malaysia

For 20 years, the 900,000 now villagers in Malaysia have been neglected and denied government funds for their social and economic development. Continue reading DAP call on the Cabinet and all State Government to accept the following two principles for the solution

Reply to Malacca Chief Education Officer, Mr. M.Murugesu, on low quality and standard of education in Malacca primary schools

Reply to Malacca Chief Education Officer, Mr. M.Murugesu, on low quality and standard of education in Malacca primary schools

The Malacca Chief Education Officer, Mr. M. Murugesu, has denied in today’s local press that the quality and standard of education in Malacca primary schools are low, as I stated in a statement on August 1.

Mr. Murugesu claimed that, on the contrary, the Malacca result in last year’s Std. V Assessment Examination was the best in the whole country. He even claimed that the Malacca schools, of all language streams, scored the best results in all the subjects. He is satisfied that Malacca schools have done well. Continue reading Reply to Malacca Chief Education Officer, Mr. M.Murugesu, on low quality and standard of education in Malacca primary schools

DAP calls for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the nation’s labour laws to remove anti-labour clauses and to safeguard and protect the right of workers

Extracts of speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when speaking at the sixth anniversary dinner of the Johore Bahru DAP Branch at Johore Bahru Hotel, Johore Bahru on Thursday, 28th September 1972 at 9 p.m.

DAP calls for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the nation’s labour laws to remove anti-labour clauses and to safeguard and protect the right of workers to a just share of the fruits of their labour

The workers are the most neglected lot under the Second Malaysia Plan. There has been increasing labour unrest since the launching of the Second Malaysia Plan, and in the last few months, industrial disputes have come thick and fast. Continue reading DAP calls for a Royal Commission of Inquiry into the nation’s labour laws to remove anti-labour clauses and to safeguard and protect the right of workers

DAP calls for immediate government recognition of Nantah and Formosan degrees and qualifications without any more delay

DAP calls for immediate government recognition of Nantah and Formosan degrees and qualifications without any more delay

The ministry of Education announced two days ago government recognition of degrees of eight universities in Indonesia.

What many people cannot understand is why the government has taken so long to decide on the question of recognition of degrees and qualifications of Nantah and Formosan universities. Continue reading DAP calls for immediate government recognition of Nantah and Formosan degrees and qualifications without any more delay

The Thung Pao Affair: Kit Siang calls for good sense to prevail

The Thung Pao Affair: Kit Siang calls for good sense to prevail

As a former journalist and official of journalists’ union, I was very pleased at the formation of the Thung Pao Chapel of the National Union of Journalists on 19th September 1972.

It is a step in the right direction for journalists in Malaysia, from all language media, to combine into one professional trade union, not only to fight for improved wages and better conditions of service, but equally important, to strive for a higher standard of journalism and the formulation and implementation of a code of journalistic ethics. Continue reading The Thung Pao Affair: Kit Siang calls for good sense to prevail

DAP calls for a New Economic Policy for the 900,000 New villagers to fully integrate them into the Mainstream of social and economic development of the country

Message by DAP SecretaryGeneral and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, for the National New Village Week launched by the DAP National New Village Sub – Committee from Sept. 24 – Oct. 1, 1972

DAP calls for a New Economic Policy for the 900,000 New villagers to fully integrate them into the Mainstream of social and economic development of the country

I must commend the DAP National New Village Sub-Committee for its initiative and imagination in organizing this National New Village Week from Sept. 24 to Oct. 1, 1972 as another step in the long struggle to champion the cause of the 900,000 new villagers in the country. Continue reading DAP calls for a New Economic Policy for the 900,000 New villagers to fully integrate them into the Mainstream of social and economic development of the country