DAP calls for a Master Plan to bring about the economic upliftment of Malacca State

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when addressing members and supporters at Bukit Rambai on Sunday, 10th September 1972 at 10 a.m.

DAP calls for a Master Plan to bring about the economic upliftment of Malacca State

For the last 15 years that Malacca State was under the Alliance rule, Malacca had declined economically year by year. Continue reading DAP calls for a Master Plan to bring about the economic upliftment of Malacca State

Call on Government to review its entire Rural Development programmes to ensure that the poor peasantry, and not the rich farmers and landed interest, benefit from hundreds of millions of dollars of public expenditure.

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when addressing the Malacca DAP state Rural affairs Sub-Committee meeting at Malacca DAP office, 33 A Jalan Munshi Abdullah on Wednesday, 6th September 1972 at 5 p.m.

Call on Government to review its entire Rural Development programmes to ensure that the poor peasantry, and not the rich farmers and landed interest, benefit from hundreds of millions of dollars of public expenditure.

The Second Malaysia Plan, following on the First Malaysia Plan of 1965-1970, promises to materially change the economy of the country and uplift the poor peasantry in the rural areas. Today, however, the poor peasantry are as poor as a decade ago – and there are many farmers in different parts of the country who could not get a decent meal a day.Call on Government to review its entire Rural Development programmes to ensure that the poor peasantry, and not the rich farmers and landed interest, benefit from hundreds of millions of dollars of public expenditure. Continue reading Call on Government to review its entire Rural Development programmes to ensure that the poor peasantry, and not the rich farmers and landed interest, benefit from hundreds of millions of dollars of public expenditure.

DAP calls on Elections Commission to co – operate with Opposition Parties by furnishing them with forms to Register voters

DAP Secretary – General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, today issued the following statement:

DAP calls on Elections Commission to co – operate with Opposition Parties by furnishing them with forms to Register voters

For the first time in the history of Malaysia, the Elections Commission has refused to give forms to register voters to Opposition Parties to help in the registration of eligible voters. Continue reading DAP calls on Elections Commission to co – operate with Opposition Parties by furnishing them with forms to Register voters

Why the MCA continue to be rejected by the people

Excerpts of Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at DAP Public Rally at Ayer Itam, Penang, on Sunday, 3rd September 1972 at 10 p.m.

Why the MCA continue to be rejected by the people

The speech by the MCA President, Tun Tan Siew Sin, to MCA Annual Assembly in Kuala Lumpur yesterday make interesting reading – for its confession of failure, political trickery and the MCA attitude to politics. Continue reading Why the MCA continue to be rejected by the people

Lim Kit Siang expresses disappointment at the lukewarm attitude of Chinese educational organisations to the grave problem of mass failures in Chinese primary schools

Message by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament For Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, to the seminar on “The falling educational standards of Chinese primary schools” organised by the Perak DAP State Chinese Education Sub-committee held at the DAP Perak Office in Ipoh on Saturday, 2nd September 1972 at 9 p.m.

Lim Kit Siang expresses disappointment at the lukewarm attitude of Chinese educational organisations to the grave problem of mass failures in Chinese primary schools

It is about six weeks ago that the DAP first exposed a well-guarded Alliance and MCA secret about the shockingly low standard of education in our schools. For the first time in years, the parents and the public have become aware of the painful truth that their children are wasting their years of education and the parents’ years of sacrifice in schools, for the educational system is designed to produce mass failures. Continue reading Lim Kit Siang expresses disappointment at the lukewarm attitude of Chinese educational organisations to the grave problem of mass failures in Chinese primary schools

DAP remains the sole credible, constructive and creative Opposition Party in Malaysia

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when addressing members and supporters at Kampong Coldstream, Tapah, on Saturday, 2nd September 1972 at 7 p.m.

DAP remains the sole credible, constructive and creative Opposition Party in Malaysia

Great changes have taken place on the Malaysian political scene in the past two years. Virtually no part was spared a grave test of its own political ability to survive in the face of changing situations, whether in the ruling party or for those in the Opposition. Continue reading DAP remains the sole credible, constructive and creative Opposition Party in Malaysia

Call on all Malaysian fishermen’s associations, unions, co-operative societies and other organizations to prepare memorandum

Speech by Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when speaking at a meeting of the DAP Malacca State Sub-Committee on Tuesday, 29th August 1972 at 7 p.m.

Call on all Malaysian fishermen’s associations, unions, co-operative societies and other organizations to prepare memorandum to the Minister of Defence, Minister of Fisheries and the Minister of Home Affairs about the entire problem of piracy of Malaysian fishermen in high seas

During the recent session of Parliament early this month, my colleagues and I in the DAP had highlighted the plight of Malaysian fishermen in the high seas, who were the victims of armed uniformed pirates from the Indonesian navy. Continue reading Call on all Malaysian fishermen’s associations, unions, co-operative societies and other organizations to prepare memorandum

Answer to the question Lim Kit Siang asked at the recent session of Parliament

DAP Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, has received written answers to the following questions which he asked at the recent session of Parliament:

Question (1): To ask the Minister of Defence
(i) when will work begin on the building of the Lumut naval base;
(ii) what steps are being taken to ensure fair and equitable compensation to the squatters and landowners who will be affected by the government acquisition of the land for the Lumut base project; and
(iii) whether the Government is aware of the reservations among the people of Sitiawan about the sitting of the naval base in Lumut, and whether he would give the people of Lumut an ample opportunity to give their views on the matter. Continue reading Answer to the question Lim Kit Siang asked at the recent session of Parliament

Coalition Politics in Malaysia

Coalition politics seems to have become the latest political fashion and trend in Malaysia. It has become the talking point of the country – as confirmed by this evening’s forum – especially with the impending coalition negotiations between UMNO and PAS, and today’s press report that the Gerakan may dissolve itself to join the MCA.

Coalition politics is not new in Malaysia. In fact, the Alliance Party is itself a coalition of three communal political parties, or to be more correct, between UMNO on the one hand, and the MCA and MIC on the other. Continue reading Coalition Politics in Malaysia

Malaysian parents should be aware of MCA attempt to suppress the grave problem of low quality and standard of education of their children in schools

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when addressing the DAP Ulu Selangor Liaison Committee at Kuala Kubu Bahru on Wednesday, 23rd August 1972 at 8 p.m.

Malaysian parents should be aware of MCA attempt to suppress the grave problem of low quality and standard of education of their children in schools

In the last few weeks, the DAP has been able to expose the shockingly low quality and standard of education of our primary school students, where there was mass failures in every year’s Standard V Assessment Examination. Continue reading Malaysian parents should be aware of MCA attempt to suppress the grave problem of low quality and standard of education of their children in schools