Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when addressing the Malacca DAP state Rural affairs Sub-Committee meeting at Malacca DAP office, 33 A Jalan Munshi Abdullah on Wednesday, 6th September 1972 at 5 p.m.
Call on Government to review its entire Rural Development programmes to ensure that the poor peasantry, and not the rich farmers and landed interest, benefit from hundreds of millions of dollars of public expenditure.
The Second Malaysia Plan, following on the First Malaysia Plan of 1965-1970, promises to materially change the economy of the country and uplift the poor peasantry in the rural areas. Today, however, the poor peasantry are as poor as a decade ago – and there are many farmers in different parts of the country who could not get a decent meal a day.Call on Government to review its entire Rural Development programmes to ensure that the poor peasantry, and not the rich farmers and landed interest, benefit from hundreds of millions of dollars of public expenditure. Continue reading Call on Government to review its entire Rural Development programmes to ensure that the poor peasantry, and not the rich farmers and landed interest, benefit from hundreds of millions of dollars of public expenditure.