New DAP Parliamentary Whip appointed
Peter Paul Dason, Member of Parliament for Penang Utara, has been appointed the new DAP Parliamentary Whip in place of Dr. A. Soorian, Member of Parliament for Port Dickson.
New DAP Parliamentary Whip appointed
Peter Paul Dason, Member of Parliament for Penang Utara, has been appointed the new DAP Parliamentary Whip in place of Dr. A. Soorian, Member of Parliament for Port Dickson.
Statement by DAP Secretary-General, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a press conference held in Ipoh on Saturday, May 20, 1972 at 10.30 a.m.
An MCA plot exposed
Last night, I attended a meeting of members and supporters of the Sitiawan DAP Branch at Pekan Gurney and received an unqualified reaffirmation from our members and supporters in their dedication and commitment to the cause of the DAP for a democratic socialist, a genuine multi-racial Malaysian Malaysia. Continue reading An MCA plot exposed
Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when speaking to members of the DAP Sitiawan Branch in Pekan Gurney, Sitiawan on Friday, 19th May 1972 at 7.30 p.m.
Call to DAP members and supporters throughout the country to rededicate themselves to the DAP cause for a Malaysian Malaysia.
We meet here tonight not to mourn over the defection and treachery of Richard Ho, who for his own selfish personal interest has dedicate ourselves to the DAP struggle interests and rights, but to rededicate ourselves to the DAP struggle in Setiawan and in Malaysia for a Malaysian Malaysia. Continue reading Call to DAP members and supporters throughout the country to rededicate themselves to the DAP cause for a Malaysian Malaysia
The defections of Walter Loh and Richard Ho
When Lee Beng Cheang defected and joined the MCA last February, I felt sorry for him for he was a victim of circumstances. My colleagues and I in the DAP shed no tear for the defections of Walter Loh and Richard Ho.
Richard Ho has now followed the footsteps of the Yeoh Eng Chyes, and for a comfortable place and life, betrayed the people’s trust and hopes.
Richard Ho has been a political misfit in the DAP. We are aware that for over a year, MCA leaders had been working on Richard Ho. We had thought that Richard Ho would have enough decency, self-respect and sense of honour to stand by his pledge to fight for the people’s interests and rights. We were mistaken. Continue reading The defections of Walter Loh and Richard Ho
Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when speaking to DAP members, election workers and supporters for the Ulu Selangor by-election at the DAP Kuala Kubu Bahru by-election head office on the night of Nomination, 18th May 1972 at 7.30 p.m.
Call to crusade for a Malaysian Malaysia until eventual victory
The Ulu Selangor Parliamentary seat has traditionally been regarded as a safe seat for the MCA.
This is why in the previous general elections, this seat has always been reserved for the pawns and puppets like Tan Sri Ong Yoke Lin and Tan Sri Khaw Kai Boh who would have been decisively defeated if they had stood in other areas. Continue reading Call to crusade for a Malaysian Malaysia until eventual victory
Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a DAP Public Rally at Kalumpang, Ulu Selangor, on Monday, 15th May 1972
A question for Mr. Michael Chen
The people of Ulu Selangor are being told that the MCA candidate for Ulu Selangor, Mr. Michael Chen, is a person who really cares for the suffering and hardships of the people, particularly the poor.
From 1964 to 1969, Mr. Michael Chen was the Parliamentary Secretary to the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for National and Rural Development, Tun Abdul Razak. Continue reading A question for Mr. Michael Chen
From the Yang diPertuan Agong’s Royal Address, we are confirmed in our belief that the Government has not come to grips with the basic political, economic, social, cultural and educational policies to drift towards national perdition.
There is no vision of a great Malaysia tomorrow. There is only petty pre-occupation with the tools of power today.
Slogan-shouting has taken command of the seats of government, displacing thinking and reason. Continue reading Democratisation of Malaysian Life
DAP condemns American bombing in North Vietnam and mining of North Vietnamese ports and call for their immediate halt and total American withdrawal from Vietnam
The DAP deplores and condemns the American bombing of North Vietnam and the mining of North Vietnamese ports.
It is a dangerous escalation of a war which will bring Asia and the world closer to a Third World War. Continue reading DAP condemns American bombing in North Vietnam and mining of North Vietnamese ports and call for their immediate halt and total American withdrawal from Vietnam
Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, in the Dewan Ra’ayat on the motion to amend the Standing Orders of the Dewan Ra’ayat on Wednesday, 10th May 1972.
Another act of strangulation of the democratic process
The motion in the name of the Finance minister, Tun Tan Siew Sin, on behalf of the Standing Orders Committee, seeks to the House Standing Orders by banning adjournment speeches during the first meeting of each session (i.e. the debate on the Royal Address) and during the Budget meeting. Continue reading Another act of strangulation of the democratic process
Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at the second pre-Ulu Selangor by-election rally organised by the DAP at Kuala Kubu Bahru on Sunday, 7th May 1972 at 9 p.m.
The importance of the coming Ulu Selangor by-election
Over the years, there is mounting grievance, dissatisfaction and discontent in the hearts and minds of the people over the unfair and unjust economic, social, educational and cultural policies of the Alliance Government. Continue reading The importance of the coming Ulu Selangor by-election