A mental revolution among politicians in Malaysia needed

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when officiating at the opening ceremony of the Teluk Anson DAP Branch on Sunday, 7th May 1972 at 10 a.m.

A mental revolution among politicians in Malaysia needed

The Finance Minister and MCA President, Tun Tan Siew Sin, said in Malacca yesterday that the Chinese in Malaysia need a mental revolution, and that the Chinese should end their political apathy and end their fence-sitting.

I agree with him, but there is a crying need for a mental revolution, not only among the people, but also among the political leaders in the country. Continue reading A mental revolution among politicians in Malaysia needed

Recognition of Nanyang and Formosan degrees and qualifications

Speech by DAP Secretary-general and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at DAP Public Rally in Teluk Anson on Saturday, 6th May 1972 at 9 p.m.

Recognition of Nanyang and Formosan degrees and qualifications – a pledge by DAP to press for it and raise it at every Parliament meeting until success

The Nantah Alumni Association, the Perak Nantah Alumni Association and the Penang Nantah Alumni Association have jointly sent a memorandum to the Prime Minister, copies to all Members of Parliament, urging the immediate recognition of Nanyang University degrees by the Government. Continue reading Recognition of Nanyang and Formosan degrees and qualifications

DAP Protests against Government disrespect for dignity of Parliament

DAP Protests against Government disrespect for dignity of Parliament

In four days’ time, on Tuesday, 9th May 1972, the Yang di-Pertuan Agong will officially open the Second session of the Third Parliament and deliver his Royal Address from the Throne.

Beginning from 10th May, the Dewan Ra’ayat will begin its business session, which will include consideration, debate and approval of Government bills. Continue reading DAP Protests against Government disrespect for dignity of Parliament

DAP – the only genuine people’s party in Perak

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when inaugurating the protem committee of the Simpang Pulai DAP Branch in Perak on Friday, 5th May 1972 at 7.30 p.m. The Simpang Pulai DAP Branch is the fourth branch to be set up in the Ipoh-Menglembu area since the coalition.

DAP – the only genuine people’s party in Perak

When Dato S.P. Seenivasagam was sworn in as the seventh member of the Perak State Executive Council on April 28, leaders of both the Perak Alliance and the PPP spoke of “a new chapter” in the history of the State. Continue reading DAP – the only genuine people’s party in Perak

Call on Johore Government to convert all new village titles from 21-year titles to 99-year titles without additional fee

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a DAP public rally at Chamak in Johore on Tuesday, 2nd May 1972 at 8 p.m.

Call on Johore Government to convert all new village titles from 21-year titles to 99-year titles without additional fee

The Minister of Special Functions in charge of new villages, Dr Lim Keng Yaik, has just made one of his characteristic visits to Johore new villages. Continue reading Call on Johore Government to convert all new village titles from 21-year titles to 99-year titles without additional fee

DAP call on Government to restore to trade union officials the right to hold office in political parties

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a May Day tea-party organized by the Malacca State DAP Labour Bureau held at its premises at 33A Jalan Munshi Abdullah on 1st May 1972 at 7.30 p.m.

DAP call on Government to restore to trade union officials the right to hold office in political parties

If the trade unions and workers are to liberate themselves from the host of restrictive and oppressive labour laws, which is one of the basic causes of labour weakness and exploitation in the country, then the trade unions and workers must work towards setting more pro-labour Members of Parliament elected. Continue reading DAP call on Government to restore to trade union officials the right to hold office in political parties

Reply to Tan Sri V. Manickavasagam

Reply to Tan Sri V. Manickavasagam

I note with great interest Tan Sri V. Manickavasagam’s reply to me on my call for a government directive to all estate managements in the country to give priority in employment and reemployment opportunities to retrenched estate workers, as published in today’s Tamil Nesan.

What is particularly noteworthy in that reply is the unwillingness on the part of Tan Sri V. Manickavasagam to state that he would issue a directive to all estate managements to give first priority of employment and re-employment to retrenched estate labourers. Continue reading Reply to Tan Sri V. Manickavasagam

The Role of the Opposition After May 13

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a forum at the Sixth Student Leadership Training Programme organized by the University of Malaya Students’ Union on Thursday, 27th April 1972 at 7.30p.m.

The Role of the Opposition After May 13

The subject tonight, ‘The Role of the opposition after May 13’, has assumed great topicality with yet another opposition party surrendering to the deathly embrace of the Alliance Party. Continue reading The Role of the Opposition After May 13

Letter to Minister of Labour and manpower to issue a directive to all estate management

Letter to Minister of Labour and manpower to issue a directive to all estate management to give first priority of employment and re-employment to retrenched estate workers.

I have today written a letter to the Minister of Labour, Tan Sri V. Manickavasagam, urging him to issue a directive to all estate management in the country to give priority in employment and re-employment opportunities to retrenched estate workers in the country.

My letter reads: Continue reading Letter to Minister of Labour and manpower to issue a directive to all estate management