DAP calls for establishment of a Commission for a Clean, Efficient and Trustworthy Government to monitor, expose and eliminate government deviations from these three objectives

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary – General and MP for Kota Melaka, Lim Kit Siang, at the Official Opening of the Pahang DAP State Convention held in Bentong on Sunday, 26.6.1983 at 10.a.m.

DAP calls for establishment of a Commission for a Clean, Efficient and Trustworthy Government to monitor, expose and eliminate government deviations from these three objectives.

The Mahathir Government went into the April 1982 General Elections with the pledge of establishing a ‘clean, efficient and trustworthy’ government. However, 14 months after the April 1982 General Elections, these three months are more words than fact, slogans than reality. Continue reading DAP calls for establishment of a Commission for a Clean, Efficient and Trustworthy Government to monitor, expose and eliminate government deviations from these three objectives

Call on Barisan Nasional Ministers and Deputy Minister to set example of being competent and efficient to government officers so as to build an efficient and competent government administration

Statement by Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Kota Melaka, Lim Kit Siang, on 3rd November 1982

Call on Barisan Nasional Ministers and Deputy Minister to set example of being competent and efficient to government officers so as to build an efficient and competent government administration

The 2M government’s call for an efficient and competent administration cannot succeed unless the Ministers and Deputy Ministers themselves set an example of being efficient and competent in their work. Continue reading Call on Barisan Nasional Ministers and Deputy Minister to set example of being competent and efficient to government officers so as to build an efficient and competent government administration

DAP calls on the NBI to investigate into irregularities and malpractices in the tendering and purchase of clock-in machines which had been plagued with delays, inefficiencies and over-coasts

by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Petaling, Lim Kit Siang, in Petaling Jaya on Sunday, 28th March 1982:

DAP calls on the NBI to investigate into irregularities and malpractices in the tendering and purchase of clock-in machines which had been plagued with delays, inefficiencies and over-coasts

When the 2M leadership of Dr. Mahathir Mohamed and Datuk Musa Hitam took over the government, they announced that they want a ‘clean, efficient and smooth’ administration. Continue reading DAP calls on the NBI to investigate into irregularities and malpractices in the tendering and purchase of clock-in machines which had been plagued with delays, inefficiencies and over-coasts

DAP calls on the Prime Minister, Datuk Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, to institute an impartial public inquiry into the Permatang Tinggi rail-bas disaster which killed 17and injured 31

by Parliamentary Opposition Leader and DAP Secretary General and Member of Parliament for Petaling, Lim Kit Siang, issued on Saturday, 28th November 1981

DAP calls on the Prime Minister, Datuk Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, to institute an impartial public inquiry into the Permatang Tinggi rail-bas disaster which killed 17and injured 31

The DAP is profoundly shocked by the Permatang Tinggi rail-bas crash which killed 17 and injured 31, especially as the disaster is so unnecessary and easily avoidable if the transport authorities had taken the elementary precaution of installing gates at the Permatang Tinggi crossing. Continue reading DAP calls on the Prime Minister, Datuk Dr. Mahathir Mohamed, to institute an impartial public inquiry into the Permatang Tinggi rail-bas disaster which killed 17and injured 31

DAP calls for a orientation course for all state government employees to instill in them the sense of service, courtesy and commitment to the welfare of the rakyat.

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary- General and MP for Petaling and Assemblyman for Kubu, Lim Kit Siang, in the Malacca State Assembly on Tuesday, 29th Sept. 1981 on the motion to congratulate Dr. Mahathir and Dato Musa on their appointment as Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister respectively and to express confidence and support for them.

DAP calls for a orientation course for all state government employees to instill in them the sense of service, courtesy and commitment to the welfare of the rakyat.

When the new leadership of Dr. Mahathir and Datuk Musa took over the reins of national government, great emphasis was given to the creation of a ‘clean, efficient and smooth’ government- ‘berseh, cekap and licin’. Continue reading DAP calls for a orientation course for all state government employees to instill in them the sense of service, courtesy and commitment to the welfare of the rakyat.

DAP calls for a Parliamentary Commission to review the operations for all statutory corporations and public enterprises in the last ten years

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Petaling, Lim Kit Siang, in the Dewan Rakyat on Monday, 8th June 1981

DAP calls for a Parliamentary Commission to review the operations for all statutory corporations and public enterprises in the last ten years to check on their performance and accountability to Parliament and public to prevent the creation of ‘a government within a government’.

I rise to move: Continue reading DAP calls for a Parliamentary Commission to review the operations for all statutory corporations and public enterprises in the last ten years

Petaling District Council is probably the most incompetent and irresponsible local authority in the country

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Petaling, Lim Kit Siang, to the Serdang Bahru DAP Branch on Thursday, 4th June 1981 at 8 p.m.

Petaling District Council is probably the most incompetent and irresponsible local authority in the country

When the government abolished elected local government replacing it with an appointed system, the government promised that the new appointive system will bring greater benefits, better services and more efficient management to all local authorities. Continue reading Petaling District Council is probably the most incompetent and irresponsible local authority in the country

Increase for MPs and Ministers excessively steep, and not accompanied by increase in effectiveness and efficiency for MPs

(Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Petaling, Lim Kit Siang, in the Dewan Rakyat on Wednesday, 18th June 1980 on the Members of Parliament (Remuneration) Bill 1980)

Last month, the Government announced salary increases for the 750,000 government employees, which would add an additional salary bill of some $600 million. The salary increases for government employees was so unfavourably received because of the disproportionately big increases for those in the upper and top government grades as compared to those, in very much bigger numbers, in the middle and lower grades.

I understand that the increases for government employees range from 14 to 28%, with those in the top scales getting the biggest jumps. Continue reading Increase for MPs and Ministers excessively steep, and not accompanied by increase in effectiveness and efficiency for MPs

Lop-sided and inequitable $600 million pay increases for public servants

(Speech by the Parliamentary Leader, DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Petaling, Lim Kit Siang, in the Dewan Rakyat on the 1979 and 1980 Supplementary Supply and Development Estimates on June 12, 1980)

We are asked to approve another batch of supplementary estimates for 1979 and 1980 for supply and development purposes:

1. 1979 Second supplementary supply estimates $619,682,705
2. 1979 Fourth Supplementary Development estimates $ 82,178,795
3. 1980 first supplementary supply estimates $272,208,456
4. 1980 first supplementary development estimates $404,391,422

making a total being requested $1,378,461,378. Continue reading Lop-sided and inequitable $600 million pay increases for public servants

DAP proposes the establishment of an Ombudsman or Parliamentary Commissioner on Administration to stamp out maladministration in government service.

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Petaling, Lim Kit Siang, when officiating at the oath-taking ceremony of the new committee of the Klang Pasar DAP Branch at the branch premises, Klang on Friday, 17th August 1979 at 8 pm.

DAP proposes the establishment of an Ombudsman or Parliamentary Commissioner on Administration to stamp out maladministration in government service.

The last few weeks have shown that the civil service in Malaysia is neither civil nor providing a service, The ordinary people of Malaysia who have to go government departments, whether to apply for passports, licenses or permits, or write to government departments, are thoroughly sick and fed up with the treatment they get in government offices – the indifference, discourtesy and high-handedness, as highlighted by the day-long queues at the Kuala Lumpur Immigration Department in the past several days, letters unanswered and files even lost! Continue reading DAP proposes the establishment of an Ombudsman or Parliamentary Commissioner on Administration to stamp out maladministration in government service.