The Role of Youth Organisations in Malaysia

Speech by DAP Organising Secretary and Editor of the Rocket, Mr Lim Kit Siang, at a forum on “The Role of Youth Organisations in Malaysia” organised by the Klang Organising Committee for the National Youth Week Celebrations at the Letchumanan Hall, Klang on Wednesday, 31st July 1968 at 7.30 p.m.

Malaysia is a nation of youths. Sixty per cent of our population of close to 10 million people are under 25 years of age.

As such, what the Malaysian youth movement does or does not do is of vital importance to our country, because the majority of our people – as represented by the youths – are in the process of shaping their outlook, aims and purpose in life. Continue reading The Role of Youth Organisations in Malaysia

Independent secondary schools: closure threat by Inche Khir Johari and Mr Lee Siok Yew

The DAP Organising Secretary, Mr Lim Kit Siang, today (29.7.68) issued the following press statement :

Yesterday, the Assistant Minister of Education, Mr. Lee Siok Yew, repeated the warning of the Minister of Education, Inche Khir Johari, that independent secondary schools will be closed down if communist influence in them are not removed.

He claimed that the government has discovered that there had been communist infiltration in the independent secondary schools of four states, namely Negeri Sembilan, Selangor, Penang and Perak. Continue reading Independent secondary schools: closure threat by Inche Khir Johari and Mr Lee Siok Yew

MCA College

Speech by DAP Organising Secretary , Mr Lim Kit Siang, at the Setapak Public Rally on Sunday, July 28 at 8p.m.

The MCA Secretary-General, Mr Kam Woon Wah, declared yesterday that the MCA College is not a “multi–lingual” college.

This is a contradiction of statements by the Minister of Local Government and Housing and Chairman of MCA Working Team on Higher Education Planning Committee, Mr Khaw Khai Boh, and the MCA Youth Leader, Mr Lee San Choon. Continue reading MCA College

Malaysia remain firm, friendly and unrattled by Filipino warmongering

Press Statement

Reports from Manila that leading members of the ruling Nacionalista Party of Philippines, Senator Salvador Laurel and Congressmen Constancio Maglana, have called for a through re-examination of his country’s Sabah claim, and for the “rule of reason over emotion” on the Sabah issue, are encouraging signs of the re-assertion of sane and rational men in Philippines public life.

The rejection of the Philippines claim to Sabah by Malaysia last week nearly brought emotion and hysteria to a boil in Manila, with the Philippines on the verge of rupturing diplomatic relations between the two countries. Continue reading Malaysia remain firm, friendly and unrattled by Filipino warmongering

Senu’s “tension high” statement may heighten tension when there isn’t any

The DAP Organising Secretary, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, today (24.7.68) issued the following statement:

The Minister of Information and Broadcasting, Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, has given a serious warning that tension had become high among a certain section of the population over the clemency appeal for the 11 men condemned to death for consorting with the Indonesian confrontationists.

We deplore in the strongest language possible such Ministerial statements, as they may have the effect of arousing tension in the country when there isn’t tension. Continue reading Senu’s “tension high” statement may heighten tension when there isn’t any

Senu dims hope for clemency plea for 11 Johore youths

The DAP Organising Secretary, Mr Lim Kit Siang, today (22.7.68) issued the following statement:

Disbelief, dismay and shock must have been the reaction of compassionate Malaysians today when they read about the speech by the UMNO Youth Leader, Inche Senu bin Abdul Rahman, yesterday that the plea for a stay of execution of the 11 youths in Johore made by the editorial of the Alliance Party Journal, the Alliance, does not represent the views of Alliance leaders .

In his speech to the annual delegates conference of the Kinta Utara UMNO Youth Division, Inche Senu has dimmed the hopes of the majority of Malaysians who wish to see these 11 youths spared the supreme penalty of death. Continue reading Senu dims hope for clemency plea for 11 Johore youths

Growing unemployment and mass retrenchments in the rubber industry

Talk by DAP Organizing Secretary, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at the Batu Pahat DAP Branch first anniversary dinner in Batu Pahat, Johore on Sunday, July 21 at 8 p.m.

Over the months, thousands of estate workers have lost their jobs. At present another 5,000 are facing imminent retrenchment.

The retrenchment of workers in the rubber industry has reached crisis proportion. It is deplorable that the government has failed to take concrete, vigorous and imaginative action to deal with this problem, either by reducing the scale of retrenchments of finding alternative means of livelihood for the retrenched workers. Continue reading Growing unemployment and mass retrenchments in the rubber industry

The MCA’s MARA-types feeder college

Speech by DAP Organising Secretary, Mr Lim Kit Siang, to the Johore DAP State Committee at Kluang , Johore on Saturday, July 20 at 4 p.m. at a meeting to review party expansion in the state and election preparations:

The Chairman of MCA Working Team on Higher Education Planning, Mr. Khaw Khai Boh, called a press conference last Sunday to announce MCA plans for a $20million MARA-type feeder college for Chinese school leavers.

At the same press conference was the Minister of Education, Inche Khir bin Johari, who immediately announced the Alliance Government’s blessing for the MCA project and recognition of its qualifications. Continue reading The MCA’s MARA-types feeder college

DAP welcomes the new regulations

Press Statement by Dr. Chen Man Hin, Party Chairman

The DAP welcomes the new regulations requiring government officers to declare all the interests held by them and their families.

This ruling, however, must be extended to all public officers who are paid from the taxpayers’ pockets, including Ministers, Mentri2 Besar, State Executive Councillors, Parliamentary and Political Secretaries, Members of Parliament and Members of Statutory Boards.

Many politicians have used their public offices as stepping stones to amass personal wealth and fortunes. Continue reading DAP welcomes the new regulations

Campaign to save 11 youths strictly above party politics

The DAP organisng Secretary, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, today (19.7.68) issued the following statement :

DAP advice to Gerakan to keep the campaign to save 11 youths strictly above party politics

The Gerakan leader in Penang, Mr. Teh Ewe Lim, was reported in the press today as saying that the nation-wide signature campaign to save the 11 youths, initiated by the DAP, was not effective enough.

He announced that the Gerakan will hold a public rally in Penang on Sunday on this subject. This, Mr. Teh said, is a more effective way.

We earnestly urge Mr. Teh and his colleagues to keep this mission of mercy and humanity strictly above party politics. Continue reading Campaign to save 11 youths strictly above party politics