From the SG’s Desk


With the restoration of a united leadership, disciplined party and a credible political image following the party purges of June 18, 1972, the DAP has already embarked on a series of political and organisational initiatives.

The expansion of the Party in Perak, especially in the Kinta Valley, has been unusually rapid. Since May 1, the Black Day for the people of Perak for on that day the PPP entered into Alliance coalition embrace, the DAP has formed half a dozen branches in the Kinta vicinity, two of which had already been officially opened.

Selangor is being reorganised and reactivated under the leadership of Sdr. Fan Yew Teng, and in the next few months, we should see the healthy reorganisation of the DAP in Selangor. Continue reading From the SG’s Desk

DAP condemns Police banning of DAP having a dialogue with parents on the mass failures in Std.V Assessment Examination 1971

Statement by Lim Kit Siang, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Bandar Melaka

DAP condemns Police banning of DAP having a dialogue with parents on the mass failures in Std.V Assessment Examination 1971

The DAP condemns in the strongest possible terms the police interference with the activities of the DAP and DAP Members of Parliament to seek the views of the parents and the public one the educational question concerning the low quality and standard of education of our children in primary schools of all language streams. Continue reading DAP condemns Police banning of DAP having a dialogue with parents on the mass failures in Std.V Assessment Examination 1971

DAP calls on Malaysian Government to be firm in its dealings with the Indonesian Government to protect Malaysian fishermen from piracy from armed, uniformed naval Indonesian personnel

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when he officially opened the Kampong Simee DAP Branch in Ipoh on Sunday, 13th August 1972 at 4.30 p.m.

DAP calls on Malaysian Government to be firm in its dealings with the Indonesian Government to protect Malaysian fishermen from piracy from armed, uniformed naval Indonesian personnel

Last night, when attending the DAP public rally at Pulau Pangkor, I had occasion to learn from first hand the hardship and sufferings of the fishermen of Pulau Pangkor, particularly caused by the piracy in the high seas. Continue reading DAP calls on Malaysian Government to be firm in its dealings with the Indonesian Government to protect Malaysian fishermen from piracy from armed, uniformed naval Indonesian personnel

Has Chinese school principals and teachers themselves lost confidence in the future of Chinese education in Malaysia?

Speech by DAP secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when speaking to the forum on “The mass failures of Chinese school Standard V pupils” organised by the DAP Chinese Education Sub-Committee held at 63-D Jalan Sultan, Kuala Lumpur on Sunday, 13th August 1972 at 10 a.m.

Has Chinese school principals and teachers themselves lost confidence in the future of Chinese education in Malaysia?

In the last three weeks, the DAP has exposed a well-guarded Alliance and MCA secret about the shockingly low standard of education in our schools so that parents and the public are made aware of the painful truth of the wasted years our children have spent in schools. Continue reading Has Chinese school principals and teachers themselves lost confidence in the future of Chinese education in Malaysia?

Call on all parents to be concerned about the education of their children

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at the Pangkor Island DAP Public Rally on Saturday, 12th August 1972 at 9p.m.

Call on all parents to be concerned about the education of their children

The results of last year’s Std.V Assessment Examination, which revealed the shockingly high rate of failures in all subjects in all schools, have come as a shock to many parents. Continue reading Call on all parents to be concerned about the education of their children

A cheap food policy

DAP calls on Government to launch dynamic programme to reduce cost of production of rice so that padi farmers can increase their incomes and consumers get cheaper rice

This Bill seeks to amend the Muda Agricultural Development Authority Act 1972 to include a representative of the Lembaga Padi dan Beras Negara as a member of the Muda Agricultural Development Authority.

Malaysia has transformed herself from a rice-deficit country into near rice self-sufficient country. For this fact, the government has never ceased to boast of its achievements. Continue reading A cheap food policy

DAP calls for government action to protect Pangkor Island and other Malaysian fishermen from piracy by uniformed naval personnel of neighbouring country

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, in the Dewan Rakyat in the debate on the Fisheries Amendment Bill on August 10, 1972

DAP calls for government action to protect Pangkor Island and other Malaysian fishermen from piracy by uniformed naval personnel of neighbouring country

We have this amendment bill in order to empower any Police Officer or Fishery Officer to stop, search and detain all vessels, vehicles, nets, instruments, fishing materials, appliances, fish or fishing stakes if they have reason to believe that an offence under the Act has been committed. Continue reading DAP calls for government action to protect Pangkor Island and other Malaysian fishermen from piracy by uniformed naval personnel of neighbouring country

DAP calls on Government to include new villagers and retrenched estate labourers in governmental developmental programmes

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when speaking at the Dewan Rakyat in the debate over the 1972. Supplementary Development Estimates which was passed by Dewan Rakyat on 10th August 1972

DAP calls on Government to include new villagers and retrenched estate labourers in governmental developmental programmes

I wish to refer to only a few sub-heads. The first one is in connection with the Johore Tenggara project, which is one of the massive projects of the Government in pursuit of its Second Malaysia Plan in order to eliminate poverty regardless of race. I would like here to urge on the Government to translate this profession from just mere lip service to concrete results because there is a need, from the past one or two years’ operation, for the people to be convinced that the poor are going to be helped, not merely in pronouncements and platitudes, but in deeds, actions and results. Continue reading DAP calls on Government to include new villagers and retrenched estate labourers in governmental developmental programmes

Question by Lim Kit Siang: To ask the Minister of Defence to give the following particulars with regard to the ammunition factory in Batu Arang

The DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at yesterday’s Parliament session in the Dewan Rakyat, asked the Minister of Defence the following question:

Question by Lim Kit Siang: To ask the Minister of Defence to give the following particulars with regard to the ammunition factory in Batu Arang:

(i) the percentage of foreign participation in the project giving the names of the country participating; Continue reading Question by Lim Kit Siang: To ask the Minister of Defence to give the following particulars with regard to the ammunition factory in Batu Arang

Coalition politics in Malaysia

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when addressing the Penang DAP State Sub-Committee at DAP State premises at Green Hall, Penang on Sunday 6th August 1972 at 8 p.m.

Coalition politics in Malaysia

Coalition government at the State level seems to be growing with the possible formation of a coalition government between PAS and the Alliance in Kelantan and at the Federal levels. Continue reading Coalition politics in Malaysia