Why is kerosene being sold at 80 cents a gallon?

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Lim Kit Siang, at a DAP Public Rally at Kapar, Selangor, on Saturday, 15th June 1974 at 9 p.m.

1. Why is kerosene being sold at 80 cents a gallon?

On 9th May, 1974, when the Minister of Primary Industries, Datuk Haji Talib Mahmud, called a press conference to announce government approval for oil price increases, he said that the government would only permit the increase of five cents for kerosene, from 71 cents a gallon to 76 cents a gallon. Continue reading Why is kerosene being sold at 80 cents a gallon?

DAP calls for a ban on land alienation to foreign syndicates or companies until the crying needs of Malaysian landless for land have been met

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Lim Kit Siang, at a DAP Public Rally at Bekok Johore on Friday, 14th June 1974 at 8 p.m.

1. DAP calls for a ban on land alienation to foreign syndicates or companies until the crying needs of Malaysian landless for land have been met

Land is a source of wealth. It is also a source of corruption. Underhand land deals have brought ill-gotten riches to many supporters and leaders of the ruling party, while the genuine landless continue to be deprived and landless. Continue reading DAP calls for a ban on land alienation to foreign syndicates or companies until the crying needs of Malaysian landless for land have been met

Re-constitution of DAP National Estates Sub-Committee under the chairmanship of Sdr. K. Ramasen, State Assemblymen for Bukit Raja

DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Lim Kit Siang, today issued the following statement:

1. Re-constitution of DAP National Estates Sub-Committee under the chairmanship of Sdr. K. Ramasen, State Assemblymen for Bukit Raja.

The DAP Central Executive Committee has re-constituted he DAP National Estates Sub Committee under the chairmanship of Sdr. K. Ramasen, State Assemblymen for Bukit Raja, Selangor. Continue reading Re-constitution of DAP National Estates Sub-Committee under the chairmanship of Sdr. K. Ramasen, State Assemblymen for Bukit Raja

DAP Selangor completes re-organisation of Serdang branches and cancels suspension orders on four branches in Serdang

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Lim Kit Siang, at the re-election of the Serdang Liaison Committee at Sungei Besi Mines on Monday, 10th June 1974 at 8 p.m.

1. DAP Selangor completes re-organisation of Serdang branches and cancels suspension orders on four branches in Serdang

The re-election of the Serdang Liaison Committee tonight marks the completion by the DAP Selangor of the re-organisation of the four branches in Serdang, namely Serdang Bahru branch, Sungei Besi Mines Branch, Puchong Branch and Kuchai Branch, which were suspended six weeks ago. All the suspension orders have now been cancelled. Continue reading DAP Selangor completes re-organisation of Serdang branches and cancels suspension orders on four branches in Serdang

DAP shocked by shooting of IGP, Tan Sri Abdul Rahman and sends condolence to family of Tan Sri Abdul Rahman

DAP shocked by shooting of IGP, Tan Sri Abdul Rahman and sends condolence to family of Tan Sri Abdul Rahman

The DAP is shocked by the shooting of the IGP, Tan Sri Abdul Rahman, in Kuala Lumpur yesterday. The DAP deplores violence of any form. in the country.

The DAP has sent a telegram of condolence to the widow Puan Sri Halimah and his seven children.

DAP calls on Tun Razak to offer the 300,000 stateless persons of Chinese origin a clear choice of either opting for Malaysian citizenship or Chinese nationality

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Lim Kit Siang, at the Penang State DAP Dinner at Fortuna Restaurant, Penang on Saturday, 8th June 1974 at 8 p.m.

1. DAP calls on Tun Razak to offer the 300,000 stateless persons of Chinese origin a clear choice of either opting for Malaysian citizenship or Chinese nationality

There are people who think that with the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and China, and the signing of the Peking communique between Tun Razak an Premier Zhou En Lai, the problem of the 300,000 persons of Chinese origin in Malaysia have been settled. They think that holders of red identity cards can now change them into blue ones, become citizens and get jobs. Continue reading DAP calls on Tun Razak to offer the 300,000 stateless persons of Chinese origin a clear choice of either opting for Malaysian citizenship or Chinese nationality

DAP calls for a full-scale public inquiry into the accidental shooting of two innocent tappers

DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Lim Kit Siang, today issued the following statement:

DAP calls for a full-scale public inquiry into the accidental shooting of two innocent tappers by security forces in Kuala Kangsar on 27.5.1974 to restore the public confidence in the security forces

I have today written a letter to the Minister of Home Affairs, Tan Sri Ghazalie Shafie, calling for a full-scale public inquiry into the accidential shooting of two women tappers in Kuala Kangsar, by security forces on 27.5.1974, to restore the public confidence in the security forces and to prevent the deterioration of relations between the people and the government. Continue reading DAP calls for a full-scale public inquiry into the accidental shooting of two innocent tappers

DAP calls on Tun Razak to direct New Village Minister

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Lim Kit Siang, at the inaugural meeting of the Second DAP National New Village Sub-Committee in Petaling Jaya on 3rd June 1974

DAP calls on Tun Razak to direct New Village Minister, Lee San Choon, to draw up and implement a master plan for the upliftment and modernisation of the 450 new villages in Malaysia

When Tun Razak and the Malaysian delegation to China visited the Red Star Commune in Peking on May 30, the Malaysian Prime Minister, and the delegation, were impressed by the life and condition of the 80,000 people who live in the commune. Continue reading DAP calls on Tun Razak to direct New Village Minister

Parliament may be dissolved in July and General Elections hold in August

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Lim Kit Siang, at a DAP Public Rally at Buntong on Sunday, 2nd June 1974 at 9 p.m.

Parliament may be dissolved in July and General Elections hold in August

With the end of Tun Razak’s trip to China and the establishment of diplomatic relations between Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China, the ground is prepared for the general elections.

The way the National Front is exploiting the China issue is evident to observers that the ruling party is desperately hoping that the China issue would save their candidates from defeats in the next general elections. Continue reading Parliament may be dissolved in July and General Elections hold in August

The Joint Communique between Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China establishing diplomatic relations

DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang today issued the following statement

The Joint Communique between Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China establishing diplomatic relations

The DAP welcomes the signing of the joint communiqué between the Prime Minister of Malaysia, Tun Razak and Premier of China, Chou En-Lai, formally establishing diplomatic relation between the two countries.

The joint communique not only heralded a new chapter in the international relation of Malaysia, South East Asia and China, it also marks the fulfilment of one of the long-standing DAP objective to get the Malaysian Government to change its original pro-American anti-China posture to a non-aligned one. Continue reading The Joint Communique between Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China establishing diplomatic relations