DAP calls on Government to set aside 400,000 acres of Land for allocation to new villages under Second Malaysia Plan

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament For Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a DAP Public Rally in Jinjang to launch the DAP New Village Week. The rally was held on Sunday, 24th September 1972 from 7 p.m. to 11 p.m.

DAP calls on Government to set aside 400,000 acres of Land for allocation to new villages under Second Malaysia Plan

Tonight’s public rally at Jinjang marks the launching of the DAP’s Now Village Week to commemorate the one – year anniversary of the DAP campaign on behalf of the forgotten 900,000 new villagers of Malaysia. Continue reading DAP calls on Government to set aside 400,000 acres of Land for allocation to new villages under Second Malaysia Plan

DAP calls on all parents’ associations and Parent-Teacher associations to redefine their role in the education of their children

Message by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim kit Siang, at the Seminar on “Falling Standards of Education in Chinese Primary Schools “ organised by the Johore DAP Education Sub-Committee held at Johore DAP State Headquarters at Klang on Sunday, 24th Sept. 1972 at 2 p.m.

DAP calls on all parents’ associations and Parent-Teacher associations to redefine their role in the education of their children

In the last two months, the question of the low quality and standard of education of our children in the primary schools, of all language streams, has become a burning issue in every home and coffee shop. Continue reading DAP calls on all parents’ associations and Parent-Teacher associations to redefine their role in the education of their children

The long-standing suffering of the people of Batu Pahat over their water supply

DAP Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, today issued the following statement:

The long-standing suffering of the people of Batu Pahat over their water supply

I have received numerous complaints from the people of Batu Pahat about the endless problem of their water supply.

There is no doubt that for a town of Batu Pahat’s else, the people of Batu Pahat has got the worst water service from the government. Continue reading The long-standing suffering of the people of Batu Pahat over their water supply

DAP accuses Elections Commission for lack of independence, Impartiality and integrity

Statement by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a Press Conference held at Kuala Lumpur DAP Branch premises at 63-D Jalan Sultan on Tuesday, 19th Sept. 1972 at 12 noon

DAP accuses Elections Commission for lack of independence, Impartiality and integrity in the manner it is conducting the registration of voter’s exercise and calls on Acting Prime Minister to intervene in the matter to restore Public confidence in the Elections Commission

I have called this press conference to make a very serious accusation against the Elections Commission, particularly its chairman, Tan Sri Ahmad Perang. Continue reading DAP accuses Elections Commission for lack of independence, Impartiality and integrity

Parit Bunter ferry tragedy – DAP presses for immediate government compensation and remedial action

Parit Bunter ferry tragedy – DAP presses for immediate government compensation and remedial action

Yesterday, accompanied by DAP National Vice Chairman, Sdr. Daing Ibrahim bin Othman, DAP Deputy Secretary-General and Perak DAP State Assembly leader, Sdr. Ibrahim bin Singgeh, DAP Deputy Secretary-General and M.P. for Batu Gajah, Sdr. Lim Cho Hock, M.P. for Teluk Anson, Sdr. Chan Fu King, Perak State Assemblymen for Kuala Dipang, Sdr. Chan Heng Who, and Perak DAP Women’s Section leaders, I visited the Parit Buntar and Dander Bahru tragedy areas.

The DAP delegation wanted to see for ourselves the actual situation which led and caused the Parit Buntar ferry tragedy which caused 32 lives.

There is no doubt that there is a great sense of betrayal by the people of Parit Buntar and Bandar Baharu. Continue reading Parit Bunter ferry tragedy – DAP presses for immediate government compensation and remedial action

DAP calls on the Alliance Government to launch a special development programme

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a DAP Public Rally at Sungei Siput on Sunday, 17th September 1972 at 10 p.m.

DAP calls on the Alliance Government to launch a special development programme to give land, jobs and homes to the people of Sungei Siput to remove the barbed wires in their hearts and minds

Since the launching of the Operation Setia on Sept.25 last year at 3 a.m., starting with a 51 hour continuous curfew, the people of Sungei Siput have felt the heavy hand of the government, and have been made to feel that they are disloyal and anti-national elements. Continue reading DAP calls on the Alliance Government to launch a special development programme

The public has a right to know why the MCA leaders have banned any discussion or reference to the shockingly high rate of mass failures in Chinese primary schools

Message by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at the seminar on the ‘Falling education standards of Chinese primary schools’ organized by the DAP Negri Sembilan Chinese Education Sub-Committee held at Seremban DAP Branch on Sunday, 17th Sept. 1972 at 8 p.m.

The public has a right to know why the MCA leaders have banned any discussion or reference to the shockingly high rate of mass failures in Chinese primary schools

In the last two months, the DAP had exposed the well-kept secret of the MCA and Alliance Government about the shockingly high rate of mass failures in the Chinese primary schools. Continue reading The public has a right to know why the MCA leaders have banned any discussion or reference to the shockingly high rate of mass failures in Chinese primary schools

Coalition politics – politics of consensus or politics of subservience and betrayal?

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when addressing the Sixth Anniversary Dinner of the Penang State DAP held at Holoman Restaurant in Penang on Saturday, 16th September 1972 at 9 p.m.

Coalition politics – politics of consensus or politics of subservience and betrayal?

I want to pose a question tonight. Is the recent trend of coalition politics in Malaysia the result of the politics of consensus or the politics of subservience and betrayal? Continue reading Coalition politics – politics of consensus or politics of subservience and betrayal?

Two more reasons why there is going to be early general elections

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when addressing the Malacca DAP State General Elections Preparations Sub-Committee on Tuesday, 12th September 1972 at 5 p.m.

Two more reasons why there is going to be early general elections

In Penang last week, I predicted that there is going to be early general elections. I had said that I would not rule out the possibility of general elections being called within the next 12 months, although the Alliance government could delay until February 1976. Continue reading Two more reasons why there is going to be early general elections

DAP determined to express the MCA conspiracy

Message by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, to the seminar on ‘Falling education standards of Chinese primary schools’ organised by the DAP Chinese Education Sub-Committee organised in Malacca on Sunday, 10th Sept, at 7.30a.m.

DAP determined to express the MCA conspiracy to hide the galling fact of falling education standards of Chinese primary schools from parents and public.

The 21st MCA General Assembly held in Kuala Lumpur is a good proof of the attitude of MCA towards the grave problem of falling education standards in Chinese primary Schools. Continue reading DAP determined to express the MCA conspiracy