Mass failure in Tamil primary schools

DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, Today issued the following statement;

The mis-education and mal-education of Malaysian students: Mass failure in Tamil primary schools

In the last two days, I had given the details of the mass failures during last year’s Standard V Assessment Test in Perak’s national primary schools, national-type (Chinese) primary schools, throughout the country, and Perak’s national-type (English) primary school.

I propose today to give the shocking results of the Tamil primary schools, where the rate of mass failures is even more disturbing. Continue reading Mass failure in Tamil primary schools

DAP pledge to do all it can to champion the cause and right of Jalan Petaling hawkers

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a meeting of Jalan Petaling hawkers held at DAP Bungsar Office at 63-D Jalan Sultan, Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, 25th July 1972 at 10 a.m.

DAP pledge to do all it can to champion the cause and right of Jalan Petaling hawkers

First of all, I wish to thank the Jalan Petaling hawkers for attending this meeting which we have called to find a permanent and satisfactory solution to their problems and livelihood. Continue reading DAP pledge to do all it can to champion the cause and right of Jalan Petaling hawkers

DAP calls on Chinese educational bodies to launch a nation-wide inquiry

DAP calls on Chinese educational bodies to launch a nation-wide inquiry into the reasons for the mass failures in Chinese primary schools during last year’s Standard V Assessment Test

I am glad that the President of the Chinese Teachers’ Federation, Mr. Sim Moh Yu, in his speech to the National Chinese School B category Teachers’ General Meeting over the weekend, has expressed deep concern at the shockingly high percentage of failures among Chinese primary school students in last year’s Standard V Assessment Examination. Continue reading DAP calls on Chinese educational bodies to launch a nation-wide inquiry

Falling Education Standards in Malaysia

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Siang, when speaking to Taiping Rotary Club (Young Rotarians) at St. John’ s Ambulance Building in Taiping on Sunday, 23rd July 1972 at 10 a.m.

Falling Education Standards in Malaysia

During the May session of Parliament, I asked the minister of Education, Inche Hussein Onn, for detailed results of last year’s Standard V Assessment Examination. Continue reading Falling Education Standards in Malaysia

DAP calls for immediate government action to protect the life, property and livelihood of Malaysians fisherman from armed Indonesian pirates

DAP calls for immediate government action to protect the life, property and livelihood of Malaysians fisherman from armed Indonesian pirates

My colleague, Sdr. Phung Teik Hwa, the Perak DAP State Assemblymen for Lumut, whose constituents include the fisherman at Pangkor Island, has again written to Government urging the authorities to take positive action to protect the life, property and livelihood of Malaysian fisherman from harassment and piracy of armed Indonesian patrol boats. Continue reading DAP calls for immediate government action to protect the life, property and livelihood of Malaysians fisherman from armed Indonesian pirates

Coalition Politics in Malaysia

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when speaking at the 6th Anniversary Dinner of the Seremban DAP Branch in Seremban on Sunday, 16th July 1972 at 9 p.m.

Coalition Politics in Malaysia

Coalition politics is not new in Malaysia. In fact the Alliance party is itself a coalition of three communal political parties, or to be more correct between UMNO on the one hand and the MCA and the MIC on the other. Continue reading Coalition Politics in Malaysia

The Results of the Rembau-Tampin by-election : An analysis

Issued by DAP Information Bureau

The Results of the Rembau-Tampin by-election : An analysis

The DAP Secretary-General, Sdr. Lim Kit Siang, has written to the Chairman of the DAP Rembau-Tampin Parliamentary by-election sub-committee, Sdr. Oh Keng Seng , commending the sub-committee and the DAP collection workers for a creditable showing in the by- election.

The lottery by Sdr. Lim Kit Siang reads as follows: Continue reading The Results of the Rembau-Tampin by-election : An analysis

DAP calls for a high-powered committee to study into the economic effects of the construction of a canal at Isthmus of Kra

DAP calls for a high-powered committee to study into the economic effects of the construction of a canal at Isthmus of Kra

The Thai military government has decided to build a $1,200 million canal at the Isthmus of Kra, which will take nine years to complete.

The Thai government predicted that the canal would draw away 50 per cent of the tankers and one-third of the cargo ships now using the Straits of Malacca.

The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Ismail, said yesterday before leaving for Bangkok that the Isthmus of Kra canal would not do Malaysia ‘any harm’.

The DAP calls on the Government not to take an indifferent attitude to the proposed construction of the Isthmus of Kra canal, although it would take nine years before the completion of the project, by which time most of the leading Ministers would not be around in government.

The Government should immediately appoint a high-powered committee of inquiry to inquire into the effects of the proposed Isthmus of Kra canal on Malaysian trade, shipping and economy.

It is better and a more responsible attitude for the present Government to inquire into all the aspects of the construction of a Kra canal could have on Malaysian economy, than for Malaysians nine years later to be caught unprepared.

The off-hand attitude shown by Tun Ismail that the Isthmus of Kra Canal would not harm Malaysia is highly disturbing, unless the Cabinet had already commissioned a finding into the possible effects of the Kra canal on the Malaysian economy, trade and shipping. If so, then the Government should release the findings of such a study.

The building of the Isthmus of Kra canal shows the need for more meaningful ASEAN spirit to be shown by members countries of the South East Asian grouping, where the action of one would have consequences on the economy or livelihood of the people of another. It is clear that the decision to construct the Isthmus of Kra canal was taken without any prior knowledge by the Malaysian Government let alone consultation. This does not augur well for a successful operation of the ASEAN.

Credentials for Special Delegates’ Congress

Credentials for Special Delegates’ Congress

Further to my circular to you dated 2nd July 1972 on the convening of a Special Delegates’ Congress to ratify the June 18 decision of the Central Executive Committee to purge the party of all destructive and disruptive elements, and to end all acts of indiscipline, this is to inform you of the credentials arrangements for the Congress:

1. Every delegate must possess a credential identification card before he is allowed entry to the congress meeting place at Dr. Chen Man Hin’s residence at No.8, Jalan Swettenham. Continue reading Credentials for Special Delegates’ Congress