Ingredients for the success of a political movement

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a meeting of the Setapak DAP Branch at Circular Road, Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 10th March 1972 at 7.30 p.m.

Ingredients for the success of a political movement

If a political movement is to make a lasting political impact and contribution, it must be an ideological political movement with a collective leadership. The DAP is such a political party. It is unlike, for instance, the Gerakan Ra’ayat Malaysia which was a political party of personalities, and when the personalities defect, quarrel and break up, the Gerakan Ra’ayat Malaysia lies in ruins and shambles. Continue reading Ingredients for the success of a political movement

Challenge to Tun Tan Siew Sin to publicly expose and rid MCA of corrupt leaders

Statement at a Press Conference in Ipoh of 6th March, 1972

Challenge to Tun Tan Siew Sin to publicly expose and rid MCA of corrupt leaders

I challenge Tun Tan Siew Sin to publicly expose and rid the MCA of corrupt and decadent political leaders in the MCA at national, state and local levels to prove that the MCA is a clean party.

The MCA is the most unclean political party in Malaysia. In every state, town, and village, the local residents know of MCA political leaders who have waxed fat and rich by making use of their political position for personal private gain, as by getting mining leases, land, business contracts etc. Continue reading Challenge to Tun Tan Siew Sin to publicly expose and rid MCA of corrupt leaders

Call on Malaysian teachers and parents to express concern at the deteriorating standards of education in Malaysian schools

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a DAP Public Rally held at Sitiawan on Saturday, 4th March 1972 at 8 p.m.

Call on Malaysian teachers and parents to express concern at the deteriorating standards of education in Malaysian schools

A matter of grave concern to parents and Malaysians is the falling standard and quality of education of our 1.7 million primary and secondary students in Malaysian schools.

Large numbers of Malaysian students are not being properly educated. In fact, many of them are being miseducated. Continue reading Call on Malaysian teachers and parents to express concern at the deteriorating standards of education in Malaysian schools

Warning to Dr. Lim Keng Yaik not to let down the hopes and expectations of the 900000 new villagers

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, to DAP members at the Sitiawan DAP Branch at Pekan Gurney, Sitiawan on Saturday, 4th March 1972 at 2 p.m. at the beginning of his two-day tour of the Sitiawan Parliamentary constituency

Warning to Dr. Lim Keng Yaik not to let down the hopes and expectations of the 900000 new villagers

My two-day visit to the Sitiawan Parliamentary Constituency is the fifth in my current tour of all DAP Parliamentary Constituency and State constituencies to (i) check on the constituency service of the DAP Member of Parliament and State Assemblyman for the area; (ii) visit DAP branches and meet party members to discuss party and political matters; and (iii) to meet a small cross-section of the general public to get their views on the DAP’s elected representatives in the area, the party and the nation’s problems. Continue reading Warning to Dr. Lim Keng Yaik not to let down the hopes and expectations of the 900000 new villagers

Sales Tax in Force

Sales Tax in Force

Without doubt, the Opposition’s ferocious attack on the 5% Sales Tax in Parliament, the people’s general condemnation of it in the country, and the DAP’s warning in Parliament during the debate on the Sales Tax Bill that the DAP would continue to oppose the 5% Sales Tax inside and outside Parliament until it is repealed, has had its effect on the Finance Minister, Tun Tan Siew Sin.

This is why the Finance Minister has now broadened the scope of the exempted items from the Sales Tax, as compared to his original intention as expressed in his Budget speech on 6th January to only exempt basic necessities and raw materials essential for key manufacturing industries. Continue reading Sales Tax in Force

Proposal for a Council of Joint Action of Federations of Chinese Clans and Associations to realise their resolutions

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at the Chap Goh Mei party organised by the Seremban DAP Branch at its premises on Tuesday, February 29, 1972 at 7 p.m.

Proposal for a Council of Joint Action of Federations of Chinese Clans and Associations to realise their resolutions

Yesterday, in the local press, we read of reports of the 21st Delegates’ Meeting of the Federation of Kah Ying Association and the speeches and resolutions adopted at the meeting.

The meeting passed some resolutions which are the burning issues of the people today. These include: Continue reading Proposal for a Council of Joint Action of Federations of Chinese Clans and Associations to realise their resolutions

Truth’s eventual triumph in human affairs

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when addressing the Negri Sembilan DAP State Sub-Committee at a meeting held at DAP Seremban Branch on Tuesday, 29th February 1972 at 4 p.m.

Truth’s eventual triumph in human affairs

The world has just seen the end of mankind’s most significant and historic visit. For the teeming millions all over the world, who wish peace to war, co-operation to conflict among nations to solve mankind’s basic and intractable problems of hunger poverty, backwardness, ignorance and disease, President Nixon’s landing on China is more momentous and important than man’s first landing on the moon. Continue reading Truth’s eventual triumph in human affairs

DAP welcomes Malaysian recognition of Bangladesh

DAP welcomes Malaysian recognition of Bangladesh

The DAP welcomes the Malaysian government’s recognition of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

We are glad that the Malaysia Government has at last recognized the international reality and fact of the emergence and existence of the new Asian state – the People’s Republic of Bangladesh.

The DAP had repeatedly called for immediate recognition of the Bangladesh since the birth of the new nation. Continue reading DAP welcomes Malaysian recognition of Bangladesh

DAP calls for immediate recognition of Bangladesh by Malaysia

DAP calls for immediate recognition of Bangladesh by Malaysia

The independent state of Bangladesh is an international fact of life, and more and more countries, such as British, France, Netherlands, Soviet Union, Japan, Burma, have accorded it recognition.

Even the Asean nations like Thailand, Singapore and the Philippines have accorded recognition to Bangladesh. Indonesia has in principle agreed to recognise Bangladesh, and is waiting for an opportune moment to announce its recognition – which may be any time next week. Malaysia is the only ASEAN country which has refused to recognise Bangladesh.

It does not matter to Bangladesh whether Malaysia recognises her or not, but it matters to Malaysia’s credibility as a nation with an independent foreign policy and her future relations with a near neighbour which is the second largest Muslim nation with her 70 million people that she should immediately recognise Bangla Desh.

The DAP calls on the Government of Malaysia to recognise Bangladesh immediately, and establish ties with the new Asian state. We also call on the Malaysian Government to give all help and assistance to the Government of Bangladesh in its present task of reconstruction and development of a shattered economy and rehabilitation of displaced persons.

Call to DAP branches and members to prepare for early general elections

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when addressing the Malacca State DAP State Sub-Committee meeting at Malacca DAP Headquarters, 33A Jalan Munshi Abdullah, Malacca on Friday, 25th February 1972 at 5 p.m.

Call to DAP branches and members to prepare for early general elections

DAP branches and members should begin making preparations for the next general elections, which may be held as early as the latter part of next year.

Although the last general elections was held in May 1969, the Alliance Government need not call for fresh general elections until February 1976. This is because the five-year term of a Parliament is not computed from the date of last general elections, but from the convening of the new Parliament. In this case, the new Parliament was not convened until February 1971, a delay of nearly 22 months. Continue reading Call to DAP branches and members to prepare for early general elections