Sugar scarcity crisis again!

Sugar scarcity crisis again!

There sugar crisis has hit various parts of Malaysia again, such as Malacca, Johore, Pahang, Kedah.

I had warned during the January session of Parliament that there will be a recurrence of the sugar scarcity and price increase crisis unless the Ministry of Trade and Industry take energetic action to curb and prevent sugar hoarding, in particular by the sugar manufacturers.

Unfortunately, the Ministry of Trade and Commerce had failed to do this. On the contrary, it has taken a decision which can only aggravate the sugar crisis. Continue reading Sugar scarcity crisis again!

Creation of new DAP post

Creation of new DAP post

The DAP Central Executive Committee has created a new post to mount the political offensive which the DAP launched in September last year. This post is Secretary for Publicity and Propaganda.

The DAP CEC has been satisfied with the political progress of the Party in the last few months, when we were able to take the initiative in many fields. The most outstanding instance of course is in the field of the fight for the upliftment of the lot of the 750000 new villages.

The DAP has been so successful in highlighting the plight and 20-year neglect of the 750000 new villagers in the country, and in bringing this 20-year problem to the centre of national attention and concern, that the government was compelled to appoint a new Minister specially charged with the portfolio of new villages. Hence the appointment of Dr. Lim Keng Yaik as Minister. Continue reading Creation of new DAP post

Why local government should be elected

On 1st March 1965, the then Prime Minister, Tunku Abdul Rahman, made a Ministerial Statement in the Dewan Rakyat announcing that the government had exercised Emergency powers to suspend local council elections which was to be held in May or June the same year, on the ground of Indonesian Confrontation.

The then Prime Minister made a solemn pledge to this House and nation, and I quote from the Hansards of 1.3.1965: Continue reading Why local government should be elected

Malaysianisation of top editorial posts in Malaysian press

Malaysianisation of top editorial posts in Malaysian press

As a former newspaperman myself, I fully support the memorandum submitted by the National Union of Journalists to the Prime Minister on expatriate journalists in the Malaysian press.

Over the years, the Malaysian newspaper who have non-citizens in the top editorial posts have not made any serious attempt to train local, talented journalists to take over all key editorial posts.

Malaysia has been independent for 15 years and it is clearly unacceptable that the key posts in a sensitive and important sector as the press should continue to be in the hands of expatriates.

The Government should require the newspapers to lay down a programme of full Malaysianisation of all key editorial posts in Malaysian press.

The full political circle of Dr. Lim Chong Eu

Speech by DAP Secretary-General, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when speaking to party members in Petaling Jaya on Sunday, 20th Feb. 1972 at 8 p.m.

The full political circle of Dr. Lim Chong Eu

The Year of the Rat marks the completion of another full cycle of the Chinese calendar. It also marks the completion of a full circle in the political career of Dr. Lim Chong Eu of Penang.

Thirteen years ago, in 1959, Dr. Lim Chong Eu resigned as President of MCA, spurned an offer to be the Chief Minister of Penang, purportedly over a set of political beliefs and principles. Continue reading The full political circle of Dr. Lim Chong Eu


Speech by DAP Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, in the Dewan Ra’ayat on 9th February 1972 on the National Land Code (Penang and Malacca Titles) (Amendment) Bill.

Call on Government and Dr. Lim Keng Yaik to immediately give titles to all new villagers to the land they are occupying and to allocate 400000 acres of land to new villagers under Second Malaysia Plan

There are a dozen old new villagers in the State of Malacca, and they are all facing the problem common to new villagers in other States – namely land. Continue reading Land

Control and check against malpractices and misuse of public funds by MIDFL

Speech by DAP Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, in the Dewan Ra’ayat on the Loan Guarantee Bill on 7th February 1972

Control and check against malpractices and misuse of public funds by MIDFL

This Bill authorizes the Federal Government to stand guarantor for the MIDFL in its loans from the Asian Development Bank.

Under the Second Malaysia Plan, the government is allocating $100 million to the MIDFL to give loans to industrial ventures. Now the government is further committing itself to stand guarantor to its loans from the Asian Development Bank. Continue reading Control and check against malpractices and misuse of public funds by MIDFL

The Future of Chinese primary and secondary schools

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, when closing the one-day DAP National Seminar on Chinese Education held at Seremban on Sunday, 6th February 1972 at 6 p.m.

The Future of Chinese primary and secondary schools

The Minister of Education is empowered under the 1961 Education Act to convert all national-type (Chinese) primary schools into national schools, using Bahasa Malaysia as the media of instruction.

Clause 21 (2) of the 1961 Education Act reads:

“Where at any time the Minister is satisfied that a national-type primary school may suitably be converted into a national primary school he may be order direct that the school shall become a national primary school.” Continue reading The Future of Chinese primary and secondary schools

The defection of Lee Beng Cheang

Statement by DAP Secretary-General, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, held at a Press Conference held at DAP Kuala Lumpur Branch at 63-D Jalan Sultan, Kuala Lumpur on Friday, 4th February 1972 at 12.30 p.m.

The defection of Lee Beng Cheang

I have not received any letter of resignation from Lee Beng Cheang. In Fact, he seems to have gone into hiding. It is noteworthy that at the MCA press conference yesterday announcing Lee Beng Cheang’s defection to the MCA, Lee Beng Cheang was himself absent.

In a way I feel sorry for Lee Beng Cheang. I believe he was blackmailed and forced into his present action. If I know Lee Beng Cheang, he is the most miserable man in public life today. Continue reading The defection of Lee Beng Cheang

Merdeka University

Adjournment Speech by DAP Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, in the Dewan Ra’ayat on Friday, 4th February 1972

Merdeka University

In 1968, there were proposals to establish two new universities, namely the National University and the Merdeka University. The National University is now in existence. The Merdeka University, however, has run into stormy waters.

The Merdeka University was mooted by Chinese educationists and educational bodies to provide university educational opportunities for Chinese secondary school leavers. At present, these Malaysian students had to go overseas, either to Nanyang University in Singapore or the Taiwan universities for further education. Continue reading Merdeka University