Fund-raising for Sedition Case against Dr.Ooi Kee Saik and Sdr.Fan Yew Teng

Fund-raising for Sedition Case against Dr.Ooi Kee Saik and Sdr.Fan Yew Teng

Too All Branches

The sedition case against Dr.Ooi Kee Saik and Sdr.Fan Yew Teng is coming up before the Sessions Court on March 29, 1971.

We are applying for the case to be transferred to High Court to be heard by a judge. We are also making an application for the admission of Queen’s Counsel, Sir Dingle Foot, to appear for Sdr.Dr.Ooi Kee Saik.

Retained for Dr.Ooi is also Mr.Peter Mooney. Dato. S.P.Seenivasagam will defend Sdr.Fan Yew Teng. Continue reading Fund-raising for Sedition Case against Dr.Ooi Kee Saik and Sdr.Fan Yew Teng

Opposition Parliament Leader

Opposition Parliament Leader

When DAP, PPP and SNAP leaders met in Kuala Lumpur early this month, the question of an Opposition Leader in Parliament was discussed. It was agreed by the three parties that the Opposition Parliament Leader should be rotated among the opposition parties represented in Parliament.

We must be very clear in our minds, however, as to the role and function of Opposition Parliament Leader.

With five opposition parties in Parliament, representing in some cases very divergent policies, it is clearly not possible to have an Opposition Leader who can be the Chief Spokesman for all opposition parties on all important national political, economic, educational, cultural and social issues and problems of the day. Continue reading Opposition Parliament Leader

The last chance for democracy in Malaysia

Speech by DAP Secretary General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a dinner given by Penang DAP at Sun Hoe Penang Restaurant on Sunday, Nov. 22 1970 at 8pm.

The last chance for democracy in Malaysia

I am overwhelmed by the great reception given by Penang DAP members and the public on the occasion of my unconditional release from detention.

One reason why I was able to withstand the test I underwent during my 16-month long detention was my knowledge and confidence that although I has lost personal freedom, outside the Muar Detention Camp, I had the support of millions of Malaysians to share with me and the DAP the same aspirations for a democratic socialist Malaysian Malaysia, and for which I was being detained. Continue reading The last chance for democracy in Malaysia

The Role of DAP in Parliament and the State Assemblies

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a dinner given by Perak State DAP held at Ipoh on Thursday, 19 Nov. 1970 at 8.00 p.m.

The Role of DAP in Parliament and the State Assemblies

It has been announced that Parliament will be reconvened on February 22, the State Assemblies sometime in March next year, after a suspension of 21 months.

The DAP is the largest Parliamentary opposition party, and the opposition most nationally-based in terms of representation in the State Assemblies. We are the sole opposition in Johore and Negri Sembilan, the biggest opposition in Selangor and Malacca, and an important opposition party in Perak and Penang State Assemblies. Continue reading The Role of DAP in Parliament and the State Assemblies

We have not become a nation of Malaysians

Speech by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at the second anniversary dinner of the Pudu DAP Branch in Kuala Lumpur on Nov. 3, 1970 at 7.30p.m.

Although our country achieved independence in 1957, and is a member of the United Nations, recognised internationally as a separate political, legal and geographical entity, we have not become a nation of Malaysians.

Over the years, Malaysians have felt, thought and acted more as Malays, Chinese and Indians, rather than as Malaysians.

The blunt and tragic truth is that with the passing of years, more and more Malaysians are thinking less and less in Malaysian terms, and more and more in terms of their own race. Continue reading We have not become a nation of Malaysians

Rule of Reason or the Rule of Force?

Speech by DAP Secretary-General, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at the opening ceremony of the First National Seminar for DAP Members of Parliament and State Legislative Assemblymen at Hotel Mirama, Kuala Lumpur, on Saturday, 24th Oct. 1970 at 9 a.m.

Rule of Reason or the Rule of Force?

The great issue that is being fought out in Malaysia today is whether the rule of reason or the rule of force is going to prevail in our country.

The advocates of reason are wedged in on the one hand by ultra extremists who advocate an authoritarian rule by force and violence, and on the other hand, by communists who want to bring about a communist revolution. Continue reading Rule of Reason or the Rule of Force?

Can democracy work in Malaysia

Statement by DAP Secretary-General and Member of Parliament for Bandar Melaka, Lim Kit Siang, at a press conference in Ipoh on Tuesday, 13th Oct. 1970.

Since my release from detention on Oct. 1, I have visited all the West coast states (except Penang where I am going later today), and the question uppermost in the people’s mind is whether democracy can work in Malaysia.

The general elections of May 10, 1969, was the high-water mark of democracy in Malaysia. After the announcement of the results, there was a new mood in the country, a new hope that democracy may after all work and bring about change and progress.

But within three days, the country was plunged into her darkest days, and democracy virtually pronounced dead. Continue reading Can democracy work in Malaysia

DAP post-election meetings

Press statement by DAP Organising Secretary, Lim Kit Siang, on 12 May 1969:

The DAP Central Executive Committee of the Democratic Action Party will meet in Kuala Lumpur this Saturday, 17th May 1969 at 2p.m. to lay down the DAP’s strategy and plans for the Parliament and for the various State Assemblies for the next 5 years. The DAP has now emerged as the leading opposition party in the Parliament, with the biggest single opposition parliamentary representation of 13 members. The 13 member DAP Parliamentary group shall be a hard-hitting, vigorous, dynamic and outspoken champion against social injustice, political suppression, racial discrimination, corruption, economic injustice, and all forms of inequalities and injustice.

At 4 p.m. the same day, the DAP will hold a joint meeting of the 13-member DAP Parliamentary group and the 31 DAP State Assemblymen, where National DAP leaders, Dr. Chen Man Hin, (National Chairman), Goh Hock Guan (Secretary-General), Dr.K.S.Das (Deputy Secretary-General) Daing Ibrahim bin Othman (Deputy Secretary-General) and Lim Kit Siang (National Organising Secretary) will address them.

The same night, the DAP plans to hold a mammoth public rally at Suleiman Court in Kuala Lumpur Starting at 7.30p.m. to present the successful Parliamentary and State Assembly candidates, and where the national DAP leaders will make important announcements and speeches.

The death of D.R. Seenivasagam

The death of D.R. Seenivasagam

The Secretary- General of the Democratic Action Party, Mr. Goh Hock Guan, today made the following statement on the death of D.R. Seenivasagam:

“The death of D.R. is a loss to the country and to us who are his friends, D.R. has earned a secure place in Malaysian history as a great fighter for justice, equality, and the legitimate rights of all the people that make up Malaysia.

“Whether it be to save the life of a grenade girl or to defend the fundamental rights of Malaysians or to hound down those who abuse their powers, D.R. has pursued his objective with a gusto that was the delight of his friends and the terror of his foes. Continue reading The death of D.R. Seenivasagam

Corruption in Malaysia: DAP wants all-party inquiry committee into causes of corruption

Speech by Serdang State by-election candidate, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, who is also DAP Organising Secretary, at a DAP by-election rally at Petaling Tin Mine, Sungei Way, on Tuesday, 17th December 1968 at 8 p.m.

Corruption in Malaysia: DAP wants all-party inquiry committee into causes of corruption

Point Ten of DAP’s Serdang by-election pledge, known as Serdang’s 20 Points, called for the “Elimination of corruption, at all levels of public life, particularly at high levels.”

Corruption in public life in Malaysia has increased under the Alliance rule over the years. It has infected almost every level of public life, from the lowliest to the highest.

The Alliance government lacks the will and resolution to stamp out corruption because the biggest offenders are to be found among Alliance political leaders, who make use of their position, power and influence for personal monetary gain. Continue reading Corruption in Malaysia: DAP wants all-party inquiry committee into causes of corruption