Recognition of China and admission into U.N

Speech by DAP candidate for Serdang State by-election, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, who is also the DAP Organising Secretary, at seventh DAP Serdang by-election rally at Serdang Bahru new village on Sunday, 15 December 1968 at 8.p.m.

It is ridiculous that Malaysia, a nation of 10 million people, does not recognise Communist China, a nation of 700 million people.

It is dangerous when Malaysia joins company with some discredited forces in common causes to work for the overthrow of the communist regime on the mainland. This is not only an interference with the affairs of another country, and in this case with the biggest country in the world which is to become the dominant power in Asia, but earning further her enmity and courting trouble.

But this is exactly what the Alliance government is doing.

The Alliance sent a high-level party delegation to the first conference of the World Anti-Communist League held in Taipei, Taiwan in September last year. Continue reading Recognition of China and admission into U.N

DAP welcome halt of American bombing in North Vietnam

The DAP Organising Secretary, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, today issued the following statement (1.11.68):

The Democratic Action Party welcomes the halt of American bombing in North Vietnam.

A light has at last appeared at the end of the long tunnel towards a Vietnam settlement.

The bombing halt was motivated largely by President Johnson’s determination to be remembered in history as the man who ended the costly and disastrous Vietnam war, although he was the person who escalated it, and to bolster the chances of Vice President Hubert Humprey in the November 5 American Presidential elections. Continue reading DAP welcome halt of American bombing in North Vietnam

Emergency Parliament Session on the Sabah issue and an All-Party Foreign Affairs Consultative and Advisory Committee

The DAP Organising Secretary, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, today issued the following statement (2.10.68):

It has taken the Alliance government two weeks to think of the Parliament and convene an emergency session over the Sabah issue.

For two weeks after President Marcos had signed the Sabah Annexation Bill into law, the Alliance Government was more interested in organizing rallies and protest demonstrations than in calling Parliament to allow the elected representatives of Malaysia to state their views.

All Malaysians must condemn President Marcos for his attempt to grab Sabah in a bid to boost his chances for Presidential re-election, in utter disregard of the harm his action has done to South-East Asian co-operation, peace and harmony.

The DAP calls on all MPs to let President Marcos know in no uncertain terms that all Malaysians are united in their condemnation of the Philippines land-grabbing act, and will resist and repel any attempt at the physical take-over of Sabah. Continue reading Emergency Parliament Session on the Sabah issue and an All-Party Foreign Affairs Consultative and Advisory Committee

DAP calls for White Paper on defence future and planning

Speech by DAP Organising Secretary, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, to the Segamat DAP Branch on Sunday, September 15, 1968 at 8 p.m.

DAP calls for White Paper on defence future and planning

The Australian Cabinet is now studying a report drawn up by Australian defence planners to decide, in the light of British defence withdrawal from South East Asia in 1971, whether Australia should participate in a collective defence arrangement in this region, or whether she should also withdraw to an isolationist “Fortress Australia” concept.

Assuming that the Australian Cabinet decides to join in the regional collectives defence arrangement, there is nothing to prevent this decision from being reversed at a later date, if Australians decide that this is to their own best interest. Continue reading DAP calls for White Paper on defence future and planning

Declaring Sabah to be part of the Philippines

Comment by Lim Kit Siang, Organising Secretary, DAP, 29.8.68

The passage of an amendment to a Bill by the Philippines House of Representatives which declared Sabah to be part of the Philippines is “infantile and irresponsible.”

It is just like President Sukarno colouring Philippines from one end and Madagascar to the other as part of Indonesia. Everybody knows what became of Sukarno.

Such an act is infantile because it will not be able to change one dot of the situation. It is irresponsible because all it can do is to sour up further the already strained Filipino-Malaysian relationship. Continue reading Declaring Sabah to be part of the Philippines

Soviet aggression in Czechoslovakia

The DAP Organising Secretary, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, today (23.8.68) issued the following statement:

All peace and freedom-loving people and nations must condemn the Soviet invasion and aggression of Czechoslovakia to impose the Soviet will on the Czechs.

Soviet action in Czechoslovakia has made a mockery of the United Nations Charter, and dealt a serious blow at efforts to establish international law and relations on the civilised basis of mutual respect of each other’s sovereignty and independence. Continue reading Soviet aggression in Czechoslovakia

Malaysian-Filipino relations take a turn of the better

The DAP Organising Secretary, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, today (11.8.68) issued the following statement:

The Democratic Action Party welcomes the “cooling-off” period between Malaysia and the Philippines to allow normal and healthy relations to be re-established after the strain and tension between the two countries generated by the Filipino claim to Sabah.

The clouds of frenzy and hysteria in Manila are giving way to rays of reason and sanity, and stable and rational man who have the foresight to value regional co-operation and prosperity above intra-regional disputes and stagnation are asserting their influence in Filipino public life. Continue reading Malaysian-Filipino relations take a turn of the better

Malaysia remain firm, friendly and unrattled by Filipino warmongering

Press Statement

Reports from Manila that leading members of the ruling Nacionalista Party of Philippines, Senator Salvador Laurel and Congressmen Constancio Maglana, have called for a through re-examination of his country’s Sabah claim, and for the “rule of reason over emotion” on the Sabah issue, are encouraging signs of the re-assertion of sane and rational men in Philippines public life.

The rejection of the Philippines claim to Sabah by Malaysia last week nearly brought emotion and hysteria to a boil in Manila, with the Philippines on the verge of rupturing diplomatic relations between the two countries. Continue reading Malaysia remain firm, friendly and unrattled by Filipino warmongering

The Bangkok Talks – Philippines’ claim to Sabah

Talk by DAP Organising Secretary, Mr Lim Kit Siang, to the Slim River DAP Branch on Saturday, June 29 at 5 p.m.

The current Bangkok talks on the Philippines claim to Sabah has become an international farce and scandal. It shows up the insincerity of the Philippines Government in really working towards harmonious relations and goodwill among South East Asian nations.

The fine sentiments expressed by President Marcos of the Philippines when he visited Malaysia only five months ago have turned to ashes. Continue reading The Bangkok Talks – Philippines’ claim to Sabah

Will Malaysia and Singapore merge once again?

Talk by DAP Organising Secretary, Mr Lim Kit Siang, to the Bungsar DAP Branch on Friday, 17th May 1968 at 8.30 p.m.

It took Malaya and Singapore fifteen years to merge the first time they were separated by the British colonialists in 1948.

But the merger, which took place under the Malaysian Federation on September 16, 1963, did not last two years. A second separation took place on August 9, 1965.

Will Malaysia and Singapore merge once again? Continue reading Will Malaysia and Singapore merge once again?