Liong Sik is trying to justify his lazy and irresponsible parliamentary conduct in claiming that he is right to answer 27 questions in one go during question time

Press Statement by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjong, Lim Kit Siang on Thursday, November 24, 1994 in Petaling Jaya

Liong Sik is trying to justify his lazy and irresponsible parliamentary conduct in claiming that he is right to answer 27 questions in one go during question time

My criticism of MCA president and minister for Transport Datuk Seri Dr. ling Liong Sik for being the minister who is playing the most truant from his parliamentary duties has stung Liong Sik to the core. Continue reading Liong Sik is trying to justify his lazy and irresponsible parliamentary conduct in claiming that he is right to answer 27 questions in one go during question time

The ‘saturation’ television coverage of UMNO general assembly is not only a gross abuse of government power but an insult and contempt of Parliament which should be the highest political forum in the country

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary General and MP for Tanjong, Lim Kit Siang in the Dewan Rakyat on Monday, November 21, 1994 on the Prime Ministers Department; during the Committee stage debate of the 1995 budget

The ‘saturation’ television coverage of UMNO general assembly is not only a gross abuse of government power but an insult and contempt of Parliament which should be the highest political forum in the country

In the last few days, there had been ‘saturation’ mass media coverage of the UMNO general assembly particularly over the government-run radio and television channels. Continue reading The ‘saturation’ television coverage of UMNO general assembly is not only a gross abuse of government power but an insult and contempt of Parliament which should be the highest political forum in the country

During question time in Parliament on Monday, I had not called for Liong Sik’s resignation as Transport Minister for having the most Kuala Lumpur International Airport fires and disasters

by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjong, Lim Kit. Siang, in Petaling Java on 14ednesdav, 19th October 1994:

During question time in Parliament on Monday, I had not called for Liong Sik’s resignation as Transport Minister for having the most Kuala Lumpur International Airport fires and disasters

I want to clarify that during question time in the Dewan Rakyat on Monday, I had not called for Liong Sik’s resignation as Transport Minister for having the most Kuala Lumpur International Airport fires and disasters. Continue reading During question time in Parliament on Monday, I had not called for Liong Sik’s resignation as Transport Minister for having the most Kuala Lumpur International Airport fires and disasters

DAP to table a motion in July meeting of Dewan Rakyat to censure Pos Malaysia for its inefficiency and for undermining Members of Parliament from fully discharging their parliamentary duties

by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Slang, in Petaling Jaya on Wednesday, 15th June 1994:

DAP to table a motion in July meeting of Dewan Rakyat to censure Pos Malaysia for its inefficiency and for undermining Members of Parliament from fully discharging their parliamentary duties

DAP will table a motion in the July meeting of Dewan Rakyat to censure Pos Malaysia for its inefficiency and for undermining Members of Parliament from fully discharging their parliamentary duties. Continue reading DAP to table a motion in July meeting of Dewan Rakyat to censure Pos Malaysia for its inefficiency and for undermining Members of Parliament from fully discharging their parliamentary duties

Ministers and Deputy Ministers should have a Code of Ethics to ensure their efficiency, accountability and integrity

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, in the Dewan Rakyat on Monday, May 9, 1994 on the 1994 Constitution Amendment Bill

Ministers and Deputy Ministers should have a Code of Ethics to ensure their efficiency, accountability and integrity

Seventeen years ago, in a survey of the process of constitutional change in Malaysia in the book “The Constitution of Malaysia: Its Development: 1957-1977” which was co-edited by Tun Mohamed Suffian, H. P. Lee and F.A. Trindade, H. P. Lee said that “a predominant characteristic of the process of constitutional change (in the last two decades in Malaysia) is the lack of notice given for mature deliberation of constitutional change.” Continue reading Ministers and Deputy Ministers should have a Code of Ethics to ensure their efficiency, accountability and integrity

In the constituency redelineation exercise, the Election Commission had failed the standard set by the 1990 Commonwealth Observer Group Report that “It is crucial to the democratic process that the Election Commission is independent and seen to be independent”

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, in the Dewan Rakyat on Monday, April 25, 1994 on the motion to adopt the Election Commission’s constituency redelineation proposals

In the constituency redelineation exercise, the Election Commission had failed the standard set by the 1990 Commonwealth Observer Group Report that “It is crucial to the democratic process that the Election Commission is independent and seen to be independent”

The Commonwealth Observer Group which witnessed the 1990 general elections said that “It is crucial to the democratic process that the Election Commission is independent and seen to be independent”. Continue reading In the constituency redelineation exercise, the Election Commission had failed the standard set by the 1990 Commonwealth Observer Group Report that “It is crucial to the democratic process that the Election Commission is independent and seen to be independent”

DAP to ask for special debate in Parliament on Bank Negara’s RM 5.7 billion forex last year

by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, in Petaling Jaya on Saturday, 2 April 1994:

DAP to ask for special debate in Parliament on Bank Negara’s RM 5.7 billion forex last year

Bank Negara Governor Tan Sri Jaffar Hussein has resigned in the form of early retirement by the end of this month to take responsibility for a second year of massive Bank Negara forex losses last year. Continue reading DAP to ask for special debate in Parliament on Bank Negara’s RM 5.7 billion forex last year

DAP will ask Mahathir in next month’s Parliament whether Cabinet Ministers enjoy special immunity from criminal prosecutions for corruption and criminal breach of trust

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, at a DAP ceramah in Muar on Sunday, March 27, 1994 at 8 pm

DAP will ask Mahathir in next month’s Parliament whether Cabinet Ministers enjoy special immunity from criminal prosecutions for corruption and criminal breach of trust

Barisan Nasional leaders want Malaysians to believe that everything is fine in Malaysia, that there are no more problems and issues in the country, and that the voters in the next general elections should reject, the DAP and solidly support the Barisan Nasional. Continue reading DAP will ask Mahathir in next month’s Parliament whether Cabinet Ministers enjoy special immunity from criminal prosecutions for corruption and criminal breach of trust

DAP will query in April Parliament why University, of Malaya promoted an associate professor who had been guilty of the serious academic offence of plagiarism to full professorship

by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, in Penang on Tuesday, 1st March 1994:

DAP will query in April Parliament why University, of Malaya promoted an associate professor who had been guilty of the serious academic offence of plagiarism to full professorship

The DAP will guery in the April Parliament why the University of Malaya promoted an associate professor who had been guilty of the serious academic offence of plagiarism to full professorship. Continue reading DAP will query in April Parliament why University, of Malaya promoted an associate professor who had been guilty of the serious academic offence of plagiarism to full professorship

All-Party Parliamentary Committee on Parliamentary Honour and National Integrity will discuss the Government sanctions against Britain and the allegations of corruption, bribery and improprieties against Malaysian Government at its first meeting in Parliament on March 7

Speech by Parliamentary Opposition Leader, DAP Secretary-General and MP for Tanjung, Lim Kit Siang, at the Aver Tawar DAP Branch anniversary dinner held at Ayer Tawar, Perak on Saturday, 26th February 1994 at 7.30 pm

All-Party Parliamentary Committee on Parliamentary Honour and National Integrity will discuss the Government sanctions against Britain and the allegations of corruption, bribery and improprieties against Malaysian Government at its first meeting in Parliament on March 7

The All-Party Parliamentary Committee on Parliamentary Honour and National Integrity will discuss the government sanctions against Britain and the allegations of corruption, bribery and improprieties against Malaysian Government leaders and politicians at its first meeting in Parliament On Monday, March 7. Continue reading All-Party Parliamentary Committee on Parliamentary Honour and National Integrity will discuss the Government sanctions against Britain and the allegations of corruption, bribery and improprieties against Malaysian Government at its first meeting in Parliament on March 7