The case of the 11 condemned youths

DAP Replies to Alliance editorial: The case of the 11 condemned youths

The DAP welcomes the call by the editorial of the Alliance organ, the Alliance, urging a stay in the execution of the 11 youths condemned for consorting with Indonesians during Confrontation.

We must note with concern, however, the purpose of the call. According to the Alliance editorial, the call was made “in the hope that some fact may be brought to the fore would be enough to exonerate the condemned and save them from their own culpable tragedy.”

What new fact is likely to emerge concerning the case of the 11 youths? Is the Alliance organ suggesting that if no new fact emerges, these 11 youths deserve to be executed?

On the basis of present facts and arguments, the 11 youths deserve mercy and reprieve from the gallows. Continue reading The case of the 11 condemned youths

Malaysian National Signature Campaign

[Press Statement – Democratic Action Party]

Malaysian National Signature Campaign to seek the Sultan of Johore to reprieve the 11 Johore youths

Malaysians of all races, walks of life, religion and ages, throughout the country, have responded splendidly to the national signature campaign to petition the Sultan of Johore to exercise his prerogative of mercy to commute the death sentence passed on the 11 Johore youths to life imprisonment.

The fact that Malaysians voluntarily come forward to sign up show the depth of their humanity and compassion. Although the weekend was spent mostly in preparations in launching the campaign, we have collected over 20,000 signatures.

The campaign is now in full swing throughout the country. Apart from Penang, Perak, Selangor, Negeri Sembilan, Malacca and Johore, the drive is spreading into Pahang. Continue reading Malaysian National Signature Campaign

The last hope to save the youths from the gallows

Speech by DAP organizing Secretary, Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at the Johore Bahru DAP Branch to launch the signature campaign in Johore to appeal to the Sultan of Johore for clemency to commute the death sentence of the 11 Johore youths to life imprisonment on Saturday, July 13 at 7 p.m

The nation-wide signature campaign is the last hope to save the 11 Johore youths from death at the gallows.

Malaysia is a democratic country, and a democratic government must be responsive to the express will and wishes of the people of the country. Continue reading The last hope to save the youths from the gallows

Petition for clemency on death sentence

The DAP Organising Secretary, Mr Lim Kit Siang, today (12.7.68) issued the following statement:

Malaysian national signature campaign to petition the Sultan of Johore for clemency to commute the death sentence of Johore youths convicted of resorting with Indonesians during Confrontation

The nation-wide signature campaign, announced by DAP Secretary-General, Mr Goh Hock Guan, at a press conference this morning, to petition the Sultan of Johore for clemency to commute the death sentence of eleven Johore youths convicted of resorting with Indonesians during Confrontation, will get under way in Johore and Selangor tomorrow.

Plans have also been drawn up to launch the campaign in Malacca, Negeri Sembilan, Perak and Penang during the weekend. Continue reading Petition for clemency on death sentence

Proposed abolition of constitutional appeals to the Privy Council – the tyranny of the majority

Talk by DAP Organising Secretary, Mr Lim Kit Siang, to the Seremban DAP Branch premises on Sunday, July 7 at 3 p.m. to discuss preparations for the coming general election.

The first time the Alliance government tried to abolish constitutional appeals to the Privy Council was in 1965, when the Alliance government was known to be seriously thinking of resorting to unconstitutional methods to take over the Singapore government from the People’s Action Party.

For over a year previously, the People’s Action Party has mounted in Malaysia an ever-growing political and democratic challenge to the very basis of Alliance power. Continue reading Proposed abolition of constitutional appeals to the Privy Council – the tyranny of the majority

DAP Branch in Triang marks a significant milestone

Talk by DAP organizing secretary Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at the establishment of the Triang DAP Protem Committee in Triang, Pahang on Saturday, 6th July 1968 at 5 p.m.

The formation of the DAP Branch in Triang marks a significant milestone in the expansion of the Democratic Action Party since its establishment slightly over two years ago.

It will spearhead the spread of the democratic socialist ideal and movement into the East Coast. After Triang, we will open up branches in other parts of Pahang, including Bentong, Kuantan, Lipis and Raub.

The message of cultural democracy, multi-racialism and a socialist society knows no barriers, either of distance, race, religion or language. Continue reading DAP Branch in Triang marks a significant milestone

Resign call to Tun Tan Siew Sin

Talk by DAP organizing secretary Mr. Lim Kit Siang, at a public meeting at the Banir Local Council Hall on Tuesday , 2nd July 1968 at 8p.m. The meeting at Banir is organised by the Tapah DAP Branch. Banir is in the Batang Padang constituency in Perak.

Alliance leaders are now getting more and more frequent in their warnings about the grave financial crisis facing Malaysia.

A month ago, the Finance Minister, Tun Tan Siew Sin, warned that Malaysia was facing the worst financial crisis since Merdeka, and that “cash was running out with time” for the country. Continue reading Resign call to Tun Tan Siew Sin

Opposition Politics in Malaysia

Talk by DAP organising secretary Mr. Lim Kit Siang, to the Penang DAP branch at 52, Magazine Road, on Monday 1st July 1968 at 8 p.m.

We can classify opposition politicians under three categories:

(1) the “grasshopper” politicians;

(2) the “election” politicians; and

(3) the “dedicated” politicians. Continue reading Opposition Politics in Malaysia