DAP to move a vote of no confidence against Dato Lee San Choon for depriving workers of their legal rights to retrenchment and retirement benefits

Speech by Ketua Pembangkang and DAP Secretary-General, Lim Kit Siang, at the inauguration of the Penang DAP Labour Bureau in Penang on Saturday, 10th Sept. 1977 at 8 p.m.

DAP to move a vote of no confidence against Dato Lee San Choon for depriving workers of their legal rights to retrenchment and retirement benefits

The employers in Malaysia are very powerful and can get the Minister of Labour and the Ministry of Labour official to serve their interests.

In July last year, the Minister of Labour, Dato Lee San Choon, introduces the Employment (Amendment) Bill which, among other things, abolished the limited rights of workers to retrenchment and retirement benefits. Continue reading DAP to move a vote of no confidence against Dato Lee San Choon for depriving workers of their legal rights to retrenchment and retirement benefits

DAP to become an even more broadly-based political movement to present the National Front with a serious challenge at both the national and state elections in the next general elections

Speech by Ketua Pembangkang and DAP Secretary-General, Lim Kit Siang, at the official opening of the Penang State DAP promises at Tanjong Tokong, Penang, on Saturday 10th Sept. 1977 at 3 p.m.

DAP to become an even more broadly-based political movement to present the National Front with a serious challenge at both the national and state elections in the next general elections

I expect the Prime Minister, Dato Hussein Onn, to call for a general elections next March or April. Even the most optimistic Barisan Nasional political and election strategists do not believe that they could hold their 1974 parliamentary and State Assembly seats. Continue reading DAP to become an even more broadly-based political movement to present the National Front with a serious challenge at both the national and state elections in the next general elections

Call to Malaysia Fancy Plywood and Veneer Company to immediately pay out to its 460 workers half-monthly salary for every month of cessation of work to enable the workers to pay fitrah and tide over the Hari Raya period

by Ketua Pembangkang and DAP Secretary-General, Lim Kit Siang, on Friday, 9th Sept. 1977:

Call to Malaysia Fancy Plywood and Veneer Company to immediately pay out to its 460 workers half-monthly salary for every month of cessation of work to enable the workers to pay fitrah and tide over the Hari Raya period

Two days ago, I dispute the claim by the Malaysia Fancy Plywood and Veneer Company that it was making heavy losses. My challenge to the company to open its accounts for public inspection and examination to prove that it was making heavy losses have not been taken up.

The public can therefore judge for themselves the truth or otherwise of this statement. Continue reading Call to Malaysia Fancy Plywood and Veneer Company to immediately pay out to its 460 workers half-monthly salary for every month of cessation of work to enable the workers to pay fitrah and tide over the Hari Raya period

Lim Kit Siang writes to MCA President, Dato Lee San Choon and Gerakan President, Dr.lim Chong Eu, inviting them to a public debate or a series of public debates on the future of Chinese primary schools and Chinese education

Speech by Ketua Pembangkang and DAP Secretary-General, Lim Kit Siang, to a joint meeting of DAP Branches in the Kinta Valley held at the DAP Perak premises at Jalan Kampar, Ipoh on Friday, 9th Sept. 1977

Lim Kit Siang writes to MCA President, Dato Lee San Choon and Gerakan President, Dr.lim Chong Eu, inviting them to a public debate or a series of public debates on the future of Chinese primary schools and Chinese education. I have also suggested that this public debate or series of public debates on the future of Chinese primary schools and Chinese education, which could be held in Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca, or any other place, should be organised and chaired by the Thung Chung and Chiau Chong.

My letter to Dato Lee San Choon and Dr. Lim Chong Eu reads: Continue reading Lim Kit Siang writes to MCA President, Dato Lee San Choon and Gerakan President, Dr.lim Chong Eu, inviting them to a public debate or a series of public debates on the future of Chinese primary schools and Chinese education

DAP’s open challenge to MCA President, Dato Lee San Choon and Gerakan President, Dr. Lim Chong Eu, to a public debate on the future of Chinese primary schools

by DAP Secretary-General, Lim Kit Siang, on Wednesday, 7th Sept. 1977:

DAP’s open challenge to MCA President, Dato Lee San Choon and Gerakan President, Dr. Lim Chong Eu, to a public debate on the future of Chinese primary schools to be chaired by the Thung Chung and Chiau Chong

It has been reported that on Sunday, the Gerakan National Publicity Secretary and once a bright young leader of MCA, Dr. Tan Tiong Hiong, denied in Malacca that the government would convert Chinese primary schools by 1980. He attacked the Opposition for spreading malicious rumours to this effect to discredit the National Front. He claimed that such rumours are completely without basis or truth.

When Dr. Tan referred to the Opposition he is clearly referring to the DAP. It is clear that Dr. Tan does not know what he is talking about. The DAP has never said that the Chinese primary schools would be converted in 1980. Continue reading DAP’s open challenge to MCA President, Dato Lee San Choon and Gerakan President, Dr. Lim Chong Eu, to a public debate on the future of Chinese primary schools

Malaysia Fancy Plywood and Veneer Company close-down: Management’s offer of $30 loan for some 4 months of stoppage ridiculous

by Ketua Pembangkang and DAP Secretary-General, Lim Kit Siang, on Tuesday, 6.9.77

Malaysia Fancy Plywood and Veneer Company close-down: Management’s offer of $30 loan for some 4 months of stoppage ridiculous

I am glad to see that following pressures from all directions, the Minister of Labour, Dato Lee San Choon, has at last acted. in the matter of the close-down of the Malaysia Fancy Plywood and Veneer Company where some 460 workers have been thrown out of jobs since July 1. Continue reading Malaysia Fancy Plywood and Veneer Company close-down: Management’s offer of $30 loan for some 4 months of stoppage ridiculous

DAP calls for resignation of Ganie Gilong and Dr. Goh Cheng Teik as Minister and Deputy Minister of Works and Utilities for the Sri Jaya bus-fare increase scandal

By Ketua Pembangkang and DAP Secretary-General, Lim Kit Siang, on Monday, 5.9.1977:

DAP calls for resignation of Ganie Gilong and Dr. Goh Cheng Teik as Minister and Deputy Minister of Works and Utilities for the Sri Jaya bus-fare increase scandal

On the occasion of the country’s twentieth anniversary of Merdeka, Malaysians must have been disgusted by a string of instances highlighting the ineffectiveness, indifference and even downright incompetence of Ministers and Deputy Ministers. Continue reading DAP calls for resignation of Ganie Gilong and Dr. Goh Cheng Teik as Minister and Deputy Minister of Works and Utilities for the Sri Jaya bus-fare increase scandal

Call to retiring Chief of Armed Forces, Gen. Tan Sri Ibrahim Ismail, to look into complaints by soldiers that they are being asked to contribute between $20 – $30 compulsorily to buy farewell gifts for him

By Ketua Pembangkang and DAP Secretary-General, Lim Kit Siang (3.9.1977)

Call to retiring Chief of Armed Forces, Gen. Tan Sri Ibrahim Ismail, to look into complaints by soldiers that they are being asked to contribute between $20 – $30 compulsorily to buy farewell gifts for him

I have received complaints from members of the armed forces that they are being required compulsorily to contribute between $20 – $30 for farewell gifts and farewell occasions on the retirement of the Chief of Armed Forces Staff, Gen. Tan Sri Ibrahim Ismail, with effect from Dec. 1. Continue reading Call to retiring Chief of Armed Forces, Gen. Tan Sri Ibrahim Ismail, to look into complaints by soldiers that they are being asked to contribute between $20 – $30 compulsorily to buy farewell gifts for him

Call for inquiry into why a 17-year old boy had to be amputated twice a fall from a tree

Call for inquiry into why a 17-year old boy had to be amputated twice a fall from a tree

Last weekend, together with the DAP MP for Ipoh, Sdr Lim Cho Hock and the DAP State Assemblymen for Gopeng, Sdr P.Patto, I visited the Ipoh General Hospital to see a 17-year old boy from Jalong New Village, Sungei Siput, Leong Choon Hwa, who was injured and hospitalised on 13.8.1977.

The boy was not attended to by a doctor until some three hours after he was brought to the hospital on 13.8.1977. Continue reading Call for inquiry into why a 17-year old boy had to be amputated twice a fall from a tree

The unauthorised higher bus fare by Sri Jaya a open defiance of the government: DAP wants immediate action

The unauthorised higher bus fare by Sri Jaya a open defiance of the government: DAP wants immediate action

The increase in bus fares by Sri Jaya bus company in PJ and Kuala Lumpur is an open defiance of the government, and if stern and immediate action is not taken, similar defiant actions will be taken by bus companies throughout the country – causing untold hardships and in-convenience to low-income commuters and school children.

The reasons given by Sri Jaya that the increase was not an “increase” but merely an “adjustment”, and that it was all a mistake is completely unacceptable. Continue reading The unauthorised higher bus fare by Sri Jaya a open defiance of the government: DAP wants immediate action